A Thank-You


Hi everyone.

I just wanted to say how thankful I am for this community. Since nobody in my family bakes yeasted bread, and most of my friends who used to are too busy chasing kids around these days, I have felt very alone with questions and failures, especially since we don't have the means to mingle with foodies.  Now I feel like I'm part of a baking family, and know I have somewhere to go with any problems and find the answers I need. Thank you all so much for being there.

-Melanie (Colorado)

And well put, too.  Here's a "housewarming" gift for you.  See that white box in the upper left-hand corner, the one with the word "Search" below it?  That is your new best friend.  Type in a word or phrase, click on that Search button, and stand back.  You'll get answers to the question you have and a whole new set of things to explore, as well.


Thanks Paul and welcome Melanie

As I too have just discovered this site, I am grateful for that snippet of advice and my new best friend the search box. 

I have been 'taken in' by the world of breakmaking and have just produced my first loaf using the generic recipe on this site - a humble bit exciting beginning. I am a bit overwhelmed at present at the huge amount of breads and the obvious skill of many here. 

It's winter here in New Zealand so I'm trying rise a loaf of bread in the heat of the oven - oh I long for summer :)

Thanks again
wannabbaker :) 

place where people are passionate about baking bread and are most generous in sharing their knowledge, experiences and techniques with anyone who asks - or doesn't ask for that matter :-)  Paul is one of a multitude who give good advice on TFL.  I use search all the time - almost daily.

Welcome to you!  You live in a beautiful state and there are many fine CO professional and home bakers on TFL.  No worries - most foodies don't have the means to mingle with foodies either :-)