AZ Monsoon and Breakfast

Profile picture for user dabrownman

After getting back from Houston where it rained cats and dogs, I had to bring it back to Phoenix since we have been dry for a year.  It has rained just about every day since returning.   It is monsoon but yesterday, we had to get nearly 1.5" of rain at home where we only get 7" a year.  The clouds were ominous.

Then they got orange in a pinkish way as the sun set.

Looking back to the sunset across the lake it was clearing for a nice sunset.

Nice to wake up to some home made bagels and mini English Muffins .

Guess your lake could use some replenishment....we had a nice storm last night, but nothing like you just had.

We're supposed to have a nice heat wave the next few days until it cools off into the 80's later in the week.  Good for my tomatoes......the heat that is.

Could go for one of your bagels and muffins for sure.


liked the heirloom tomatoes we bought at Hen House in KC and brought back to AZ.  The home grown beef steaks we bought at the Farmers Market in Lee's Summit were not nearly as good as the store bought heirloom ones.   Hope the weather holds for your heirlooms Ian.  You are in for a a treat!  The ones we grew were small before the plants died but they were just at good as the onee we got at Hen House.  Could use another 5" of rain real bad, to get even for a year - but spread out over a month.

The bagels and E. muffins were very tasty!

My wife grows all of our tomatoes and veggies in our pop-up green house.  We planted them a little late this season but they are growing like weeds right now.

Hoping to start harvesting by next week or earlier.

Good luck with your rain!

...and landscape photos are great too.  :)


retired who was a frequent flyer 50 weeks a year for 25 years!  Don't miss the flying at all, it was horrible at the end with the TSA  but do miss the various folks I used to work with all over the place and the varied landscapes of this great country.  They and it are truly remarkable and worth some home made E. muffins and bagels.

Flying is certainly not much fun anymore....I'm going Premium Coach next trip so I'm looking forward to at least having a wider seat, and better food!  Now if they would only serve some of your bagels.

frequent flying for fish is what I want to do now and sounds fantastic after the horrible years of the other kind :-)