recent baking: variety of bean bread and earlgrey tea loaf

Profile picture for user kiki

3 kinds of bean bread (green soy bean & cheese bread, soft soy milk bun with green soy bean, sweet black bean bun)


Black Bean Bread


Earl Grey Tea Loaf

Beautiful looking loaves.

Can you tell me your forumla for the black bean bread?

I tried making a sourdough bread with beans a few months ago and I had to add it to the compost heap as it tasted horrible.


This was an experiementation for me too, but they came out pretty good. 

Hope this will give you a tip..



Black Bean Loaf  ( 5"x10" loaf x2)

Bread Flower : 200 gram

Bread Starter (made with natural apple yeast): 30 gram

Sugar: 15 gram

Water: 100 gram (+/-)

Butter: 15 gram

Cooked Black Bean (MASHED): 100 gram (knead with dough)

Cooked Black Bean (WHOLE): about 1 cup (?!)
 - put them when form the bread before the second raise


Thanks.  That is a very interesting formula.  What did the beans end up tasting like in the bread?

sorry!  I forgot to list salt...should be 5 gram of slat in the fomula.

Both beans and bread taste sweet, not heavy but natural kind.

(Although I only cooked them with a pinch of salt water)

Seems like it turn out to be my mother's favorite, she kept asking me to bake them again (^^).

and bread!  Can you taste the earl grey? The jasmine green tea taste in a recent bake was not evident in the finished bread.

Nice baking kiki

I've put the grinded earl grey tea leaf and I could still enjoy the light scent of earl grey and flavor

with the finished bread. 

I've never thought of making bread with jasmine tea...gave me some inspiration...will try!!

Thanks, dabrownman!