pubescent bread


Yes, I am oven they are golden, smooth, crusty and well formed.  But after they rest on the cooling racks for 10 to 15 minutes, they break out into a sort of acne.  The top crust forms hundreds of little polyps that pock mark the crust.  I do not know why this happens.

Here are the pix.  The first is fresh out of the oven.  The second is the disfigured loaves after cooling for a while.

As you can see, the change is significant.  The taste remains good.

My recipe is pretty normal --- about 12 -13 cups of flour, around 5 - 6 cups of liquids, autolysed, kneaded half way then slap and folded --- three times --- allowed to rise completely --- baked at 420 for 5 minutes and then at 350 for 9 or 10 minutes more.

I would appreciate all responses. I am at a loss.


Thanks in advance.


Along with more details.  The more the better.  

What kind of salt and when and how is it added?

How are you cooling them?  Spacing of racks?  Are they piled up on top of each other?

so...  what has been painted on the second roll before it was baked, that looks like a glaze, browning at the edges?  The first roll has not be glazed or sprayed with anything that I can tell.

What is the room humidity?

Tender crust accomodates shrinkage by puckering. The surface area stays the same but the enclosed volume shrinks so something has to give.  With no shortening in the dough (which produces a more stiff crust), and a longer bake (to make a thicker crust), you may be able to produce a crust strong enough to act as a shell and withstand the compressive stresses as the crumb cools and shrinks.  It looks like the oven was a bit cool as well so maybe another 15°F to get more browning (also helps with strength and dehydrates the surface).  Cooling in dry air might help as well since moisture will migrate from the crumb to the dry crust and rehydrate it (this is going to happen anyway with time but you can delay it by cooling in a warm dry place with a fan).  Hard rolls are baked longer and generally to a higher internal temperature to drive off some of the moisture that otherwise contributes to softening but there is a limit.

You might try staging the end point by taking a few out and leaving the rest in the oven for another 5 min, then take a few more out (and repeat).


Thanks to one and all.  A lot of things to consider.  However Dr. Dough's comments rang a bell.  I did change one thing recently.  In my effort to stop excessive browning, I reduced  final bake temperature by about 15 degrees.  That's when I started having this propblem.

So  before I launch into anything else, I will restore the temperature and see if this solves the problem .

BTW, what is meant by "docking"?

I will keep you posted.

They look like they could be pretty seriously underbaked to me. You should check the internal temperature. I don't think you are adequately setting the crumb matrix to support the loaf. Not knowing your formula I don't know what the right temperature should be but...if relatively straight dough I would shoot for at least 205 oF.