Hi, My name is Tom and this is my formal introduction. I have belonged to this forum for a couple of months now and have posted one question but I've never introduced myself. I've been a bread baker for a few years now, mostly from Reinhart's BBA and Rose Leavy Beranbaum's Bread Bible, all with commercial yeast. I created my current SD Starter last July so it's almost a year old. I've done some experimenting but always came back to the Norwich Sourdough. I decided I needed to be able to consistently produce a decent loaf which I belieive I have.
I have learned so much from this forum and owe all its contributors a debt of gratitude. I included some pics of the Norwich loaf that I have scaled back to produce a single 1.5 lb loaf. Any suggestions for improvement will be appreciated.
Looks like a good loaf of bread to me. If it isn't broke, don't fix it.
Nice looking loaf. The crust looks delicious. I've been baking since the early '70's. Always learning something new. Just send out an order to KA for some diastatic malt powder. Never used it before. I'm also a fan of BBA by Reinhart.
must be a bread baking hot spot! That is some awfully nice bread! I'm guessing the more you make it the better it will get.
Welcome and Bake On!