proofing outdoors


I have read sereral posts about proofing at 100 d.f. and since I don't have a proofer I was thinking of proofing on my patio,covered and shaded. It has been in the 90's in Modesto,Ca. I will try this soon but any feedback appriciated. Patrick from Modesto


Why don't you try it?  It's just one loaf of bread. Maybe you'll learn something.

It'll go like gangbusters at 90 F (at least relative to room temp.).

Watch it carefully or it'll overproof.

Also, preheat your oven sooner. One mistake I often make with fast(er) proofing loaves is that the oven isn't preheated when the bread is ready to be baked (fully proofed).


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You forgot to say whether it's leavened with sourdough or commercial yeast.  

Sourdough will do fine at 100 dF - commercial yeast will also though it will rise so fast you'll probably miss the peak and end up overproofing the dough.


and did a s and f and right outside as 88F. Two more sf at 20 minutes on the patio. Then inside at 70 for about an hour before separating for two battards. Dough looks great and is ready to go into oven in a half an hour. I usually do an overnight in frig but felt like playing and so far so good. Thanks for the replys.