An Illustration of Shaping "Batard"

Profile picture for user Mebake

This is an illustration of Shaping a batard i thought i would share with TFL memebers.

I Hope this helps new TFL members with shaping skills.

This looks like a good technique Khalid.  It's the fourth different way of shaping a pointy batard that I have encountered.  Here are two more that are well worth watching.  The first is by Susan of Wild Yeast fame and the second is part of the Professional baking series from King Arthur flour.(It is the 4th video in the series and the relevant part is at the 6:30 min mark, demonstrated by Martin Philip). The third is  the technique illustrated in Hamelman's bread. 

Thanks for posting Khalid.  It is always good to have another way of doing something.  I like the rolling down of the dough in this technique.  I think it must provide good surface tension.


Thanks , Syd. I learned this technique through sfbi website, and thought of ilustrating it myself to avoid copyright issues.


You illustrated that yourself?!!! Wow, that is quite a talent you have there.  How do you manage to give it such a 3 dimensional feel with just simple lines and no shading? 


Thanks, Syd. It takes lots of practice. You'd have to draw well in 3 dimention with shading, and then you'll be able to draw with outlines only (no shading).

Great presentation, Khalid, that's a nice variation on batard shaping.  Rolling might be just the technique I need to help me even out my crumb.  Thanks!


Lovely illustration, Khalid!  I have seen the other 'illustrated instruction' you posted while ago (S & F in a bowl technique?) and I was impressed with that, too.  Did you draw these illustrations yourself?


ETA : Sorry missed your reply to Syd, above. So you did draw those yourself, then.  Even more impressed!  I'm hopeless at drawing......

Thank you so much for taking the time to illustrate, and post about, this shaping process.
It's so lovely you share your baking, drawing and teaching talents with us.
:^) from breadsong

excelent illustation, Khalid! You're so kind to share it with us. I knew the 3 different methods that syd talked abot in the first comment, and I always end up with a pointy batard, even when I don't want "pointy ends". Maybe with this method of yours I can get a blunt batard.


Glad to be of help, breadsong! I really like to share what i have learned with fellow TFL members.

Thank you Corduta.. Now its your turn to show us a sample of this shaping technique :)

I just used your technique, Khalid. I'm waiting to proof and bake. It's a sourdough spelt-rye bread with fennel and anise seeds. I don't know how to score it ... yet. :) I'll keep you posted.


Profile picture for user heavyhanded

Thanks for putting this up, it was really easy to follow.

- <3M