This was my first attempt at this baguette recipe. The crust was excellent, the crumb was cool and wet and decently open. The flavor was the only thing lacking here. The preferment only did its magic for 5 hours. I think KA Whole Wheat needs to sit for quite a while to evoke the flavors. I'm going to try and make it again soon. I think I'm going to try a whole wheat poolish and a white wheat biga. Mix both of those into the final dough and see where we end up. I'm going to post some pictures and would love some comments or suggestions. Recipe will be at the bottom.
This is a 74% dough with 30 percent WW Flour
Final Dough %
Bread Flour 70
Whole Wheat Flour 30
Water 74
Salt 2
Instant Yeast .25
Pate Fermentee 15
Min of 15 min Autolyse and mix using the Improved Method.
old half way through the 2 hour bulk ferment
Final proof is about 30 minutes at room Temperature.
Bake around 475F with steam.
Again, Comments are appreciated.
Beautiful crumb.
Those are amazing! I never get the big holes like that! I want to learn how to make those!
I would really like to try and make a full video of the process. I don't really have any good cameras or someone to record while I work so it may take a good amount of time to actual put it all together. I think it would help show some of the tips I've picked up in these past 2 years of practice and would allow some people to critique my technique so I can keep improving.
I would definitely watch a video lesson should you get one made... good luck with that endeavor and be sure to let us know when it is ready. Being a retired teacher, I can truly say, we learn by teaching... so I will learn from you and pay it forward!
for 30% WW thats's a nive open crumb. They must taste great too.
unfortunately the flavor was a little underdeveloped. I've noticed that KA WW Flour is a very intense, and unique, flavor profile. If you handle the flour the right way the flavor is absolutely delicious, but if you don't give the flour enough time to extract all its deliciousness you taste the "flour" flavor more so than other elements. Even at 30%. Like I said in the original post, the next time I make I am going to manipulate my preferments to allow the WW to maybe cold ferment for quite a while and see how I can manipulate some more flavor out of it.
I must say that this is a very beautiful Baguette that you have done.
The crumb is WOW :D
I like it.
For better falvor, i usually ferment approx. 30% of the total amount of flour overnight, then next day mix the rest of ingredients with the preferment, and proceed as usual. I usually get a nice embodied & well developed flavor and good texture.