My take on Nutella and Roasted Hazelnut Challah

Profile picture for user daveazar531

I was in the mood for nutella so i started googling what i could do with the stuff and i ran accross this

Steamy Kitchen Article

But i am tring to not use the NK bread as much anymore so i used the BBA recepit for Challah. the only thing i didnt do was let the  4 strand loaf proof for 90 minutes. its getting late and i didnt want to wait. i got some decent oven spring(gas oven, no steam). For a rookie who doesnt really follow the "rules" im really happy with the result.

Up intill the shaping of the braids i followed BBA formula. I scaled and preformed the braids so they would roll easyer then I used a serated knife to open each braid and load it with nuttela.


Pinching them shut can get messy but i realised that if you let the weight of the braid strech the dough as you pinch it is much cleaner

 Considering i only let the loaf rest 10 minutes before putting it in the oven and i didnt bother with steam im happy. I would have liked my if the loaf had a better shine to it. A better glaze then the one I used (egg whites and a little half an half) might be the right move next time

Crumb pictures from this morning

Im surounded by people who eat wonderbread so i dont have anyone to point out my faults... I used macadamia nuts because i like them more then hazelnuts but either would go well.

I will defenity give this a second try

how can they prove someone purchased the product?  

by time everyone files a claim and the layers get their cut the cost of postage is going to excede the settlement check lol


But thanks for the info i know a few people who would file just to see what they get

You can do it electronically - the link is at the bottom of the article.

I don't buy the product so I didn't open the link.   From what I've read, it's not the first time Ferrero has been taken to task for claiming the product is a health food.

But you are correct - we live in a very litigious society and I wonder why the gals who brought the suit never bothered to read the ingredient label.  Or maybe they did and saw an opportunity to go after deep pockets.  ??

 Anyway, your bread looks very nice!

So i just stalked your blog, your batard in the fire an ice post is breath taking, the crust and airy crumb are better then most bakerys in new york... BUT why go though the headache of using all this gagetry to get the steam? I use a douch oven to make boule and mini bagets, and theres always a la cloche for oblong loafs. My breads crumb is not nearly as nice as yours and i get some good looking and tasting crusts. with a lot less effort

So i guess my question is why go though all the trouble


I use the method because it consistently works for me and it's second nature now, right after loading the bread.  

That's all that matters - what works for each of us and that we're happy with the results.  

Happy baking!