Hello again!
I've been having lots of luck with my sourdough breads, but it has become very, very apparent that I really need a banneton for proving. While I don't mind the wide, shallower loafs I am getting, I would prefer something with a bit more depth. Looking around, there seem to be various options; a few years ago I'd have bought many and found what works for me, but we're buying a house and I really want to spend as little as possible right now.
There are pulp/wood/wicker/cane bannetons, some with cloth inserts, and others without. What do most people use?
I use cheap plain wicker baskets which I lined myself. Before I lined them, I placed a loose dish cloth inside. Before I got them I used a plastic colander with a dish towel inside.
Good tip, thank you for that. I'll play around with what I have, while I look into what's out there (I have no wicker baskets).
For price, luckyclovertrading.com can't be beat. I am using their brotformen or bannetons, and even though the quality is not quite up there with the brotformen I had gotten from Germany, they are still a good, affordable alternative.
Thanks for the link, I shall have a browse; hopefully some baskets and cloth lining will mark the end of rogue wet dough!