SD Hemp Bags - txfarmer method with Hanseata's Seeds

Profile picture for user dabrownman

After the last bake's attempt for flavor instead of holes, this bake was for baguette holes.  I also had some hemp seeds burning a hole in my pocket so thought they would be appropriate.  Burning, burning holes, holes and hemp are baggie proof and go way back to SF in the early 70's as far as I can personally attest.

I wanted to use txfarmer's 36 hour baguette method for a new variation that was different from all of her many variations.  The holes she produces with this recipe, in all of its forms, are amazing - and holes were the main goal today.  I wanted a new variation and Hanseata's Hemp seeds (scalded and then soaked for 4 hours) were the ticket.  I want to thank them both for their inspiration.  I did use a slightly different method by retarding the levain for 12 hours too, to go along with the 24 hour autolyse.  Was trying to get more SD flavor and hoped for holes with this extra levain retard.  The previous bake of 20% rye and WW had much better, deeper and lingering SD flavor - the taste of the bread was just better overall and more akin to my personal preference.

Got a nice crust with some blisters, some ears, some glossy holes, nice nutty taste from the hemp seeds, nice SD twang along  some very poor slashing on one baguette as is usual for me.  I give this bake an 87  or B+. Recipe follows pix.  Use txfarmer's method and just retard the levain too.

The bread was more sour today and I am adding another crub shot of the lunch shot that follows.  Bologna with  cheddar cheese and greens, salad, a brie wedge, a radish, carrot and jicama sticks, olives, tomato, some refried black and red beans.  Sorry for the smudge on the lens - never photograph while you eat!  Took Dopey out of the title too since this bread isn't.

SD Starter     
 Build 1Build 2 Build 3Total%
SD Starter30  303.48%
Dough Flour %   
Bread Flour809.28%   
Dough Flour30034.80%   
Dough Hydrat75.00%    
Total Flour485    
Total Water370    
Total Hydrat.76.29%  Seeds     20 
Total Weight862 Baked WT355 
Lev % of Total38.28%  each of 2  

Seeds not included in weights or percents calculated off of them. 

very much Sylvia.  Now if I could get the same crumb on the very tasty 20% WW and Rye variety from the last bake .....  I would be in baggie heaven.  There is still hope :-)

I especially like the lunch shot, smudge and all. The smudge could have been put there intentionally for the nice effect. Great holes and crust etc.


Ray.  Never thought about the special effects possibilities of intentional smoky smudges.  Maybe it should be a requirement for all hemp bag photos?

These turned out really nicely dabrownman.  The crumb is nice and open and the crust looks thin, crisp and tasty.  I can tell your hemp seeds aren't hulled - I am an expert on hulled or unhulled due to the fact that my basement is full of the things :-) 

Thanks for the post but I did take note that you didn't include chips with your meal this time.....figure your supply must have run out or your apprentice must have gotten into the sack....


P.S.  Why did you scald the seeds?

Janet.  I had the choice of hulled or unhulled and thought I would rather have the full hemp experience at my age.  Today's blue plate special, on a blue plate no less, had no room for chips without covering something else important up.  In bread photo land, that would have been seriously hidious.  Had we known the photo would be smudged anyway, the covering chips would have been A OK - lost opportunities.  Sadly, their absence made the refried beans more difficult to eat than usual.  For some reason, my apprentice didn't notice the missing crunch of chips - it must have been the slightly crunchy jicama sticks that threw her off her game.

Thanks for your kind words and for heaven's sake, let the hemp out of its confining basement darkness and into the light....It's hulled and still fully protected from sunburn....

Your recipe is amazing, easy to make and produces great results - all it takes is patience - and patience comes to those who wait a long, long time :-)  Thanks for sharing your recipes.  The hemp seed nutty or toasted flavor is quite mild.  It's not like coriander or cumin that can get quickly out of control - at least for my taste.

I guess my spotty Internet must have prevented my comment from posting.

Looks like you achieved great crumb with those nice gigantic holes.

So what do hemp seeds taste like?  I always think of the hippy shirts when I think of hemp or rope!

  Either way great bake.

I can taste them all the way from the other end of the earth.

How's the stir fry with noodles going?  These seeds are quite mild in flavor and nutty is the best description.  I was worried that they would hold back the holes so I didn't put many in the mix.  You could easily double the amount and maybe lose some hole but the nutty taste might be worth it.  For me, taste is worth 50 on the 100 quality scale and holes are worth 10.   Others see it differently.

I shall have to put Hemp Seeds on my list to buy. I'm starting to run out of room in my refrigerator and 2 oversize plastic bins to store all of my flours and oats, seeds, etc. Fortunately the hotel I'm staying at for the rest of the week has a good buffet style restaurant with some good mix of western and Asian style foods. Can't say the same for the previous place I stayed...none the less I am still managing to eat too much food as always! Managed to get my wireless USB card to work so I can surf the net while taking another 3 hour car ride to visit a factory. Happy Baking...Friday can't come soon enough for me :)

The first time he thought his teeth were cracking due to the crunch.  It is a soft crunch but... does the scalding take the crunch out?  I throw about 80g to 600g flour for my vollkornbrot...  what is that 13%?    Yours is about 4%.  They taste great!  I agree that Nutty is the best discribtion of taste.

Great crumb shot and good distribution of seeds!  The crust looks fantastic!

Love you handle and I love my Mini Oven .  I'll be taking it outside for the summer bread baking now that it is over 100 F in AZ.

Your right.  Even though this bread isn't a strong volkornbrot it could have taken some more seeds.  Surprisingly the hemp seeds aren't strong like coriander and cumin can be at times.  The scalding and soak made them less crunchy and the unscalded crunch is not a hard one since the seeds are pretty much hallow.

I didn't add them to the mix until the 3rd S&F.  Wanted them to soak longer.  If your planning is better than mine, you can get them in earlier and get better distribution - especially if you use more seeds like I will next time.  I'm going to add them to my volkornbrot too and now I know how much thanks to you! 

Hemp seeds are not labeled as a spice.   They do have a mind of their own and like to pop out of the dough while kneading.  I throw em in when I mix up my dough.  They don't agree with my dog so be careful feeding any of the bread to 4 legged pets.  

Coriander, caraway, anise, fennel, fenugreek, and cumin are spices on the other hand and therefore should be added with moderation.

I didn't know that, Mini - our dog would eat it all - the dough, the bag of seeds, the bread - probably even the parchment paper it was baked on....

I treat hemp seeds like chia, sesame or poppy - a little nutty but not spicy (or dopey).



dopey after tasting them.  I'm sort of torn over this though :-) They really were subtly nutty and just delicious in a bread not known for stong flavors like rye. You are right about canine baking apprentices eating habits if not restrained.  My previous apprentice's mother died a horrible death - by Cheetos.   Her fine owner left a bag of nearly gone Cheetos on the coffee table  These were mainly small pieces with small crumbs.   The poor thing's long nose got clogged with these scraps.  By inhaling with great force she managed to somehow block the windpipe too so it couldn't breath through its mouth either - possibly the bag was  was contributory.   Doxies have a hard time breathing anyway and go into choking fits when stuff gets caught in their noses.  The owner was an old friend and called to tell me to stop eating Cheetos.  I haven't had one since and they were my favorite........thank goodness for hemp seeds......

Mini. I didn't know that and classified all seeds as potentially dangerous after my corriander overdose.  Ahhh, those assumptions will get you every time if incorrect.  I had no idea about hemp seeds not being good for dogs.  Also found out from you about Fenugreek.  I use it all the time in Indian food and used it Indian flat breads but never though about it going into other bread.  Now those babies are hard and mine are old too and even harder.   I always learn much from your posts.  Thanks

Thankfully, my apprentice lived.  She only gets the smallest of scraps to make sure the food isn't poisoned and will tell you when she is not the first to taste too  :-)

but my terrier sure does slow down when she eats bread with hemp.  Poppy too.  Bigger dogs might not have a problem but when a terrier slows down, you really notice.  Hemp seeds are a good protein source and touted as non-toxic.  It is also sold as bird seed.  

than in the pocket. Very inspiring!

I might try that, too, putting my leftover hemp seeds to good use and not wanting to hear my husband's comments about it anymore (something about a total new life in California.....)

Dopey baking,



got me interested in YW.  txfarmer in her bag method, you got me using seeds and there is no telling what MiniOven will have me trying out - but it won't be pretty.  That is what is great about TFL  Thank you all.

Your husband might have a point though .....

Here's to not baking dopey - as much as usual.

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