Weekday Springtime Yeast Water Breakfast at Dabrownman's

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Yeast water multi-grain baggies, toasted with butter, apple ginger jam and homemade sage hot breakfast sausage on top.  Served with a springy yeast water strawberry pancake, maple syrup and over easy egg.  Throw in some nice coffee and breakfast becomes something special on a spring weekday.

I hate strawberries, but other than that everything else reminds me of a nice weekend getaway at an inn I stayed at in Vermont around the block from KAF.

Are those sausage patties or did you stuff them?

If I could eat that for breakfast, lunch and dinner while traveling in China...I would be a much happier guy.

patties.  I'm too lazy to stuff them.  The only ones I stuff now a days are the ones to be smoked and cured  - or cured and smoked depending.  Guess we won't be seeing any strawberry , juniper berry, goose berry,  goji berry and  allspice berry bread from you any time soon - might cause beriberi anyway.

I find covering stuff in chocolate makes them much better too.  If you really hate strawberries, take a smallish one and just dip it in chocolate several times until it is the size of a golf ball - then give it to someone else to eat by putting it in the mail to me - for example.

I'm afraid my wife would eat the choclate dipped, covered and re-dipped strawberry long before I had a chance to mail it to you!  Yes, I wouldn't count on any strawberry bread anytime soon!  Rasberry maybe...actually that is a good thought....