Although my posting has been erratic, baking has continued at a fairly steady pace.
The Saturday of the Easter weekend, I baked Beth Hensperger's Sweet Vanilla Challah from her Bread Bible. It is a favorite of my older grandson and we took a loaf with us for dinner with he and his parents. I've blogged about it previously. By the way, if any lasts long enough, it makes some of the best french toast, ever! The turban shape is still a favorite of mine for its elegance and simplicity:
I also baked some honey whole wheat bread that same day for sandwiches:
This weekend, I managed to squeeze in a pain au levain with whole wheat, from the King Arthur Whole Grain Baking book. One loaf was served at dinner with friends today and one went home with them (along with a bunch of hostas that were getting too big for their growing area. Loaf:
I had elected to do some kneading for the dough, followed by a single stretch and fold about 45 minutes into the bulk ferment. My rationale was that I wanted a finer, rather than more open, crumb. It worked. Other tweaks included bumping up the quantities by about 40% to achieve slightly larger loaves and using an autolyse of nearly an hour, which is longer than mentioned in the formula. Otherwise, I hewed to the directions and was rewarded with some bread that is pleasing to the eye and the tongue.
- pmccool's Blog
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nice variety of breads coming out of the oven and all of them deserve a TUMBS UP and a home with friends and family.
Bake on Paul.
Variety is fun, though I'm not nearly as adventurous as you or Ian. I keep coming back to a group of favorites, it seems.
Thanks for your comments.
we are talking about Possum Pelts and Armadillo Nectar in conjunction with bread, not that Ian does mind you, we are way past adventurous and on the verge of.............well, probably shouldn't talk about that, at this time :-)
Variety is the spice of life and bread.
I was quite happy with the outcome.
Nice looking bread Paul. Thanks for sharing. French Toast with challah is one of my favorites with a little cinnamon sprinkled on top.
You could also stir some cinnamon and nutmeg into the egg batter before dipping the bread. The addition of nutmeg reminds me of eggnog.
and gloss of those Challahs. -Varda
I like that shape, too. All the more so since I'm a clumsy braider! And yes, the egg yolk wash really adds a dark sheen to the crust.
Very pleasing to the eye Paul, and I can almost taste them from here. Great brown crust color on your honey whole wheat. Ray
They do taste good. If only you could have smelled the challah while it was baking!