This is such a small thing, but it bugs the bejeezus out of me.
Every time I approach a new bread recipe, and I see instructions to "cover with cling wrap" (aka, cling film, plastic wrap, Saran wrap, etc), I think there must be an alternative to adding a few more bits of plastic to the world.
Do any of you use alternatives to plastic film to cover your in-bowl rises?
This is such a pet peeve, I've considered buying a set of glass mixing bowls that have fitted lids, but that seems like such an unnecessary expense.
Thanks, in advance, for any ideas.
I use large zipper type bags. Hefty has 2.5-gallon ones that fit a couple of small bannetons. Ziploc has a variety of sizes; the 20-gallon size is roomy enough for a couple of cookie sheets worth of rolls. They're food-grade and can be used again and again. Just make sure you let them dry out completely on the inside before storing them. I found all of these bags in my local supermarket.
I often just use a towel, and give the dough a mist of water every once in a while if I'm worried about it drying out. The ziplock bag is a good idea too--I sometimes cut them open to make a larger area for covering doughs on the bench, etc.
Don't they have elastic-edged plastic bowl covers for picnics etc? I had it in my head to try that but haven't seen them in the store lately...
I tried the press and seal type wrap and it worked well but went back to a damp towel as the press and seal wasn't cost effective(in my opinion) I have not really noticed any difference between the cling wrap and damp towel
I received as a gift a set of stretchy silicone "bowl hats" in small, medium, and large. They work pretty well for covering bowls in place of cling wrap, although they do tend to slide off if the edge of the bowl has flour or oil on it.
I also cringe when I see that directive. Sometimes plastic wrap seems to be the best idea. But I also have plastic shower-cap-like bowl covers (one IS a shower cap).
And I bought a pair of plastic covers made for my KitchenAid mixer bowls. They call themselves "non sealing" but they work for my purposes. If I'm concerned, I might put a damp cloth over the top of that.
Hmmm. Wonder if any of my pot lids are big enough for my monster mixing bowl!
Prandium longa. Vita brevis.
To ferment dough in a bowl without using plastic wrap to protect its surface from drying out, boil a cup of water in microwave, place it in a corner and place your bowl in the center of microwave oven. Water vapor will create humid and warm environment inside, just like in professional proofing chambers that bakers use. Bakers don't use plastic wraps.
Of course! Great suggestion.
Prandium longa. Vita brevis.
When that roll of plastic wrap runs out I will probably use the shower cap idea.
I'll use the plastic grocery bags everyone else mentioned but my favorite is the higher quality slightly yellow shaded bags they put out for holding a dozen ears of fresh corn. They seem to be heavier and stronger and a little larger. They fit over my largest bowls and seal around the bottom nicely.
When I use a bag with a lot of clearance above, sometimes I'll mist just a little water inside to raise the humidity and help keep the dough nice and soft.
Thank you for being honest. I use many sources; cling-wrap (i buy it in a resataurant pack, it lasts a yr. or so) But mostly I glom my coverings from the supermarket meat bags. They are a heavy poly food grade bag that I usually take 2 when I need 1. I split them on 2 sides and they cover my half sheet pans just great.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Three lefts make a right
Don't compare the the cling wrap to other things you might "normally" throw out. If you're really interested in conservation, you'll compare the cling wrap to other things you might do in this particular instance. As MKelly signs off, two wrongs don't make a right.
I do reuse cling wrap and I have a box of rubber bands to snap around the top of the bowl for a good seal.
Usually though I just flip the bowl over on the counter top, pat it into a ball that fits and cover the dough with the bowl it came out of, for the bulk ferment.