Once upon a time, I was...


Or maybe I wasn't. Is sourdough fast or not...

Is this a question or a comment?  Elaborate, please.


It was a musing, after a glass or two of very good wine. It doesn't seem near as profound now as it did then.

Hello jhegg

I assume the wine was fortified,  perhaps port as opposed to starboard, not to be confused with sideboard.  Nah, that is not profound either.  I need some of your wine.

Happy Easter,


"Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance."
Benjamin Franklin

Ford and Sauv;

Thank you for the kind and understanding comments! I wish I could remember which box wine I had, although Fisheye Cab (2010) is close. Whatever it was, it was about $9 - 3.50 American.
