Sicilian Bread

Profile picture for user Salilah

In the middle of March, we had a long weekend / short week in Sicily - great fun!

Varied breads - we had two completely different Pane Nero de Castelvetrano (one from a baker in Marsala, one from a supermarket in Sciacca) and one Pugliese I think (well, it looked like it) from a baker in Sciacca

This is the pugliese - well, 3/4 of it, with the supermarket Pane Nero behind it...  It was my favourite bread - light, yellowy, great crust, I loved the shape (Chris said why didn't I do a square bread - but it won't work very well in La Cloche!)...  Excellent toasted, drizzled with olive oil and with fresh tomatoes on top (+ garlic rubbed if wanted)

This is the supermarket Pane Nero - a long oblong, I guess baked in a pan.  Sesame seeds on the top.  Chris liked this one the best - it tasted like a good wholemeal, it was brown, quite a rich complex taste but boring crumb (well, I thought so)

The crumb shot of the two breads!  I must admit I looked at the Pugliese one and thought "My pugliese looks quite a lot like that!" which was very exciting <grin>

Now I really thought I had a photo of the other bread - but I can't see it!  It was a boule shape, it wasn't a very dark crust, whitish crumb, quite a nice taste but to be honest, nothing special, and we tended to go back to our own favourites for breakfast...

So I'll leave you with another photo instead - the ruins at Selinunte

Profile picture for user dabrownman

that Pulgiesin too.  Nice bread.

The brumb of Pugliese looks great.  The only Pugliese I've ever had was from Exeter Street Bakery which I first had at Magdalene near London Bridge and later bought the same from Neal's Dairy in Borough Market.   It tasted good,  but the crumb wasn't as open as that at all.  I'd definitly choose the Sicilian one over Exeter Street's verson!    We almost always stay in a hotel when we're on holiday, so the joy of exloring local breads is something we're definitely missing.  We should re-think how we holiday in the future....... :p   

Great picture of Selinunte, too.  Another place we missed when we went to Sicily years ago.   Got to go back to the island again!