I am on the hunt for what I call home-oven-size "snuggle" style baking pans that can be used for either hot dog buns or small baguettes. They are ususally in troughs of six and look like an "M" or "W". I found some on Ebay, but they are too big for my home oven. I cannot use anything over the dimensions of 20" x 15". I already have one of the "hot dog bun" pans that make the New England style buns, but would like something that would also serve for skinny baguettes. I could purchase the Ebay pans but have no way of cutting off the excess metal so they would fit my oven. Besides, I'm not sure cutting the metal would be a good idea, even if I could do so.
So, you baked the little kolache with the hot dog inside, then froze it? This is a very clever idea! Your kolaches look so nice and even, too! Would you share your dough recipe for the kolache? Thank you!
Wow! I'll never eat another corn dog again after these! Thank you for sharing your recipe and very clever idea :-).