More rolls, sweet rolls w/poolish



Here was some rolls I made today.   I started with a poolish because I did not want any sour at all, and dumped a bunch of real sugar, honey, butter and milk into it.    Came out great, and these are very tasty.

The recipe I did:


140 grams whole-grain flour mix (I did a mixture of WW + rye)
167 grams white bread flour
338 grams whole milk
0.6 grams instant yeast

Final Dough:

All poolish
622 grams white bread flour
186 grams eggs
93 grams whole milk
93 grams butter
93 grams unfiltered honey
93 grams cane sugar
23 grams instant yeast
19 grams salt

Simple procedure:

1) Mix poolish, and let ripen.  12 hrs or so.
2) Cream the butter + sugar.
3) Mix everything together.
4) Bulk ferment 1 hr.
5) Shape into 40-60 gram rolls (I was not exact).
6) Let rise fully.
7) Brush with egg-wash, then bake at 375F for 30 mins.
8) Enjoy. :)




Delicious.   :)

Happy baking!


Profile picture for user Isand66

Your rolls look like they came out perfect.  Look perfect for breakfast or would make a great dinner roll.

Good job.


Thanks isand66, Floyd and SAF.   SAF, the wash was just egg+water.

Breakfast today.  Simple egg and cheese.  :)


at the top pictures.   Over the top with your egg and cheese sandwich.   Beautiful!  -Varda

Hi gvz,
Wow, not just one, but two pans of perfect rolls.
:^) breadsong


Thanks Varda + breadsong!   I plan to have more of these with turkey dinner later tonight.  :)

(btw, Varda -- your recent Borodinski looks incredible.  Nice job!)

Profile picture for user dakkar

I was wondering, step 3 mixing.  Is it just a simple mixing of ingredient or is it with dough hook until gluten formation?

I'm new at this!



In reply to by dakkar

Hi dakkar,

Because I made a preferment, and added many enrichments, I did a fairly short bulk ferment (1hr), and so I did a more intensive mix for step 3.   I did use a machine mixer using dough hook, pretty much to full gluten development.   I'm sure it could have been done by hand as well.  After the 1 hour of bulk ferment, the dough needed a stretch+fold.   Then I just shaped the little dough balls and put into the oiled pans.  Final rise was about 1.5 hrs.


Profile picture for user dakkar

In reply to by sam

Yes, I figured kneading was kneeded! 

Recipee turned out quite nice and I'm almost done eating them (although I did give quite a few away)!

Thanks for sharing.

Hey, that's cool dakkar!    Nice little, simple rolls.  Next time I may try for more sweet + more butter, but for now I have a freezer-full of these.   :-)



did you use osmotolerant yeast or active dry?

