yesterday, I was surfing the net looking for places that sell high gluten flour to make my bialys and start making bagels. I kept coming across and 2 other places. Dawn which is near my house in Jersey (emailed them but they never answered me) and Bounce high flour gluten sold by Bay City milling????
But I came across this little blog in which someone said, hey I get my High Gluten Flour on 40th street and 9th avenue. I just assumed it's NYC!!!. Well I got off my morning commuting bus at 8A and walked to 40th and 9th....and there she was "International Food Market." What a find....All different spices, beans, olives, coffee. you name it, they have it.and there on the left side 3 bin down...HIGH GLUTEN FLOUR 99 cents a pound. Got 5 pounds. Guy was glad I found this place on the internet and he said come again...I said you bet!!
So all of you NYC er's...looking for HG Flour...40th & 9th right under the overpass. Great great place. They're open nice and early too. ENJOY!!!!!
Did the vendors label the protein content?
or better yet, the brand and type. There are lots of places (e.g., Sprouts and Jimbo's in So Cal) that sell bread flour as "high gluten." Also, you need to ascertain whether the flour they're selling is bromated; bromated All Trumps is all over NYC, and when I was back helping the bagel cafe in Brooklyn get set up, that was all we could find.
if it's the real deal, I applaud you, since authentic hi-g flour in consumer sizes is as rare as duck's teeth, but a little due diligence won't hurt.
Stan Ginsberg
on just about all the labels, there were no protein content. Stan, next time I go in I'll ask about the brand and type. I should have asked that in the first place. I'll go in buy some of their delicious decaf coffee and just ask :0)
If they say they don't know the specifications, you might ask to see the "bulk packaging" that it is delivered to them in. It(the packaging) may have the milling company's name on it. Try to record as much information from the packaging as possible. Then contact the miller for the specifications.
Somewhat skeptically, but 99 cents a pound seems to me low. I haven't lived in NY for many years, but I do visit, and always to where you were. Amy's bread also sells there.
I buy All Trumps Hi gluten flour form DiCarlo distributers on Long Island cash and carry, 50 pound bag about $18 .sounds like a lot of flour, but it goes pretty fast. I store it in double wrapped plastic bags inside large brown bags in 10 pound amounts. I only bake on weekends, most of the time at least a dozon bagels.
If it were me I would make certain that I was not buying bromated flour as there are different versions of All Trumps. There is good reason that potassium bromate is banned around the world....but not in the USA.
this morning, I went back to the International food store just to buy a pound of the HG flour and to be nice ask him what the brand is and hard to understand this foreign speaking person, he confirmed it with another worker and said the brand is Alden. so I'll have to look it up on the net. Also, tried the HG flour making bialys. have a ways to go in shaping them correctly, but some of them came out alittle to puffy, any way of correcting this? but these tasted more like bialys than anything I have made up to now. Here's a pic of them. W
ater to flour % was 65%
so I googled it and found one ad for John Alden flour in a Maine newspaper from 1923. I think you need to do some more due diligence.
btw, it's critical to let the bialy dough come to full proof (near collapse) before you "pull" them; otherwise, the middle will swell up and you'll have onion-speckled softballs instead of properly shaped bialys.
I think I'll have to be more assertive next time I go in there. When I made the dough, let it sit in lightly oiled bowl covered with plastic in a warm place for about 2 hours and then shaped them into balls which sat for 2-3 hours and then shaped the balls into bialys and when shaping, preheated oven to 475 which took a good 20-30 minutes. Should I let them proof even longer? Thanks stan for your help, I appreciate you comment. Regards, Howard
in Maspeth, Queens sells to individuals if you call ahead. They have a good selection of flours that Fresh Loafers would be interested in [they recently acquired a rival bakery supplier, so their selection should grow to include Giusto's amongst others]. I used to regularly buy KA Special and All Trumps (unbleached, unbromated) from them for about $20/50lb. I've seen Bouncer high gluten as well.
Valente Bakery Supply 6470 Maurice Avenue, Maspeth, NY 11378. 718-565-1300
Just found this on this website about Dawn Food Products in Edison, New Jersey. I called yesterday and the price is now $19.99, but still well worth it, instead of paying $1.00 a pound. Will be saving $30.00. I live like 20-25 minutes away from here. Very cool!
Bulk Flour in NJ
Just a heads-up for anyone looking for bulk flour in the NJ area... I just ordered a 50lb bag of King Arthur Sir Galahad (equivalent to All Purpose) from Dawn Food Products in Edison, for a whopping $13.19! That's like 13 lbs worth at grocery store price! You just show up at the place before 3PM the day you order, pay your $, backup to the loading dock, and off you go.