isand66's Bacon, SD, Potato, Onion with Cheddar Bread Meets Pork Jowls, Aged White Cheddar, Potato Flakes and Caramelized Onion

Profile picture for user dabrownman

This bread is great! I didn't have any semolina left after my Semolina yeast water bread so I subbed 5% rye, 5% WW and 5% spelt.  for isands66's semolina. No wheat germ around either, but I left it out with no sub since I put in so much whole freshly ground grains. Instead of mashed potatoes that Ian used,  I put in potato flakes (just the flakes about 4 T worth - no added water). I used caramelized onions, aged white cheddar cheese and smoked pork jowl to replace the other like items in Ian's recipe. I like the smoked pork jowl because it has a real apple smoked flavor, almost no fat compared to streaky bacon and it is thicker too. I baked this to 210 F because I thought the add ins would moisten the crumb. I'm glad I did.

The crust on this small batard was exceptional with nice ears and crunchy - yet chewy later. The crumb is moist and slightly open but it is the taste that makes this an outstanding bread. Toasted with butter is just the best. Nice recipe Ian. It is a keeper.

Profile picture for user gmagmabaking2

That bread looks amazing... I love your pictures! Very nice.

Profile picture for user dabrownman

In reply to by gmagmabaking2

for your fine comment.  It certainly is the best looking bread I have ever baked and the best pictures that the cell phone will take - of bread :-)  The bread tastes pretty good  - I have wolfed half already. isand66's recipe is a very good one.

Isn't it amazing!  I can't believe the good looks of this bread.  Even the cell phone camera knew and allowed itself to take the best pictures.  Who would have expected bread with smoked pork jowls to be any good at all?  It tastes good too.  I made French toast out of it this morning and it was like eating a cheese omelette with bacon, onions and toast.  I'm going to make a bread that just has caramelized onions and maybe, maybe not,  some salty olives in it.  isand66 gets credit for this bread though.  Ian came up with the recipe that I just modified a little bit.

Thanks for your comments Akiko.  It means a lot to me.  I still can't believe the spring in your AYW Sandwich White Bread!!

We are both getting better bread - No? 

Great job DA!

Your bread looks and sounds great.  I love your variation.

your great recipe - you are the concoction master!  It is by far the best looking batard I have ever done.  Nice to see it happen once in a while :-)  Keep those recipes coming.  You said you were starting work on another one .........

Will post tonight! Getting ready for road trip to North Carolina but should have time tonight to finish post.

