Mill / flaker

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Is there a superior mill out there and flaker? I bake a fair amount and usually large batches so milling shouldn't be a problem and would save money eventually. Plus a flaker could be fun for rye or oats. Thanks for any help.

First, I would start with a search on this site.  There are a TON of threads on mills, and several on flakers.  

Second, some more information would be helpful.  What is a "fair amount"?  How many loaves per week?  Probably most importantly, what is your budget?  I have a "Whisper Mill", no longer made but very similar to the "Wonder Mill", and I am happy with mine.  Many people here swear by the Komo mills, which heat the grain less than the Wonder Mills and are more adjustable.  They are also beautiful additions to the kitchen, but they are fairly pricey.  Right now, there are other things I would buy first for my kitchen but if I found a good deal on a used one, I'd jump on it.

As far as the flaker, do you want a dedicated machine?  Many higher end mixers such as Bosch and Electrolux have flaker attachments available.  Kitchen Aid might too.  I have an Electrolux Verona mixer, and the flaker attachment does a great job.  It is not super fast, but to make oatmeal for our family breakfasts and occasional oat bread, it does a fine job.  What mixer do you have?

Again, do a search, you will likely find everything you need.


Thanks tikidoc. I'll search more. As to fair amount. I fix 16 to 32 672 gram loaves a week. I use cracked wheat, SuperSprout, rye, and unbleached bread flour. I'm thinking I could crack my own wheat instead of buying 50lb bags of it. I'd like to try course ground or flaked rye at some point in the near future. Those Komo mills you mentioned are nice. I have a small kitchen aid mixer. Wished I'd have bought the bigger one.