Large Food Grade Bags for Proofing


I am looking for a large food grade plastic bag to use while proofing dough, but can not seem to locate a good source.  Typically I use them when I have 2-3 loaves proofing in baskets, I like to put all 3 in the bag and tie it up while they proof.  Any idea where I can find these?

I put a warm wet towel in the bottom, place the tins or basket of bread dough in and place the lid over. Works great as I can see the loaves proofing and can carry it out of the way to another room, if I wish. I used to use a large bag on the counter but found it could be awkward to move if I needed the counter while it was proofing.

trash bags work well for me.  I figure if they are safe for garbage they are safe for my bread - especially since the bags never .......eeeerrr...... hardly ever touch the dough ;-)

Turkey sized oven roasting bags have been doing the job for the last three years [same bags!]. They're made of clear mylar [nylon film] are food grade and can be reused for a very long time.

On occasion I've used Costco poly meat bags on a one-shot basis.


I buy Guittard chocolate products in 25-lb bags through a co-op and have used those once I package my chips into smaller containers.  Recently in Smart & Final (like a small, non-membership Costco with food and cleaning supplies) stumbled on Covermate Stretch-to-fit Food Covers Convenient Reclosable Bags in the aisle with bread bags and foil .  They're basically clear shower caps of various sizes, and work great for covering dough bowls, bread pans, bannetons, etc.  For round or rectangle containers 4" - 19".  Reusable, food safe, microwavable  They have a firm elastic band and stay poofed up 4-5 inches above the top of the container.  Have left dough in the fridge for 2-3 days; no explosions due to gas buildup.  Creates nice humidity, no skin on the dough.  Think I paid about $6 for the variety size bag of 11.  They're also on amazon and other sites.  Much better than plastic wrap or plastic lids.

That's some sweet life if you're buying chocolate in 25 b bags.

In my working life I did a little programming  once at Guittard, which made the family very happy.