Shalom from Barcelona ;o)


Hello everyone!

Coming from Israel to Barcelona has been quite a challange for me, and one of the relevent challanges has been getting used to the bread around here... letting go of the Pitta bread was hard! no more crazy Pittas full of goodies and Humus. instaed what i found is Pa de Pages (farmers bread) which is unfortunately very airy and soft (they do that because they like BIG toasts smeared with tomato olive oil and garlic (Pa Tomacat) which is nice and all but leaves the bread almost useless for anything else! the only other choice (for someone looking to spend less money rather then more) is the buggette, which is nice and all but again not very useful (dosen´t keep and not so healthy either. and what broke me was the last surge in bread prices and the obvious fall in quality (even MORE air holes and less bread in a bread).

So, here i am, i decided to learn and make our own bread. i´m looking for healthier, denser, cheeper, testier and all around better bread then what´s accessible for me in this market.

so thanks in advance for the wealth of knowledge and experience...




i thought i might also comment that my aim is to be using whole wheat and whole rye mix (60-40) with variuse seeds inside, and then also 100% rye breads with a rye starter... but that would take some time until i figure out how to make the starter and find my ¨rythem¨.


Simisu,   The good news is that it's not hard to make Pita (and Hummus for that matter) so if you are planning to bake bread there is no reason you have to give up Pita.   As well as all the other good stuff you have planned.   Hope to see you posting on your baking!  -Varda

haha thanks Verda, i already have a strickt regime of wendsday Hummus and am getting better all the time (although very very far from the type of hummus i used to like in israel, but i´m starting to like my hummus more and more so it dosen´t matter) and as for pittas, i´ve made pittas once or twice before with surprising sucsess and when i get things sorted i might just add the pitta production as well :O)