Egg & Fake Sausage Muffin

egg %=& fake sausage muffin

My oven got fixed today, but I had so much fun with Katie and Blue Zebra's English Muffins that I'm almost (but not quite) sorry!

and "thah crahps ahr sah-ved!!!" You have your oven back - almost and Saturday Pizza Club will survive!!!!! Katie's muffins look awesome!!! Isn't that a great recipe?! Isn't that the BEST egg mcmuffin you've ever tasted? As you are my witness, I will never eat a Mickey D's mcmuffin again!!! :D

Hi, girls,

If my oven hadn't broke these muffins would still be on the 'one of these days' list.

My son called them awesome, now that's good enough for me. He pointed out that, when he said he didn't like English Muffins, obviously he meant the store-bought kind that 'taste funny'.

Susan, I went to your site to see if you had tackled these yet and was surprised that you had not. But instead I found the sweet little reminder about kitties and cantaloupe, so that was all right.

They are SO easy and good that they are going to be regulars at our table. Highly recommended to anyone still dragging their feet. Just hit your oven with a crow bar or perhaps a gallon of water, if you need a bigger push.



that looks really good..the melted cheese sends me..and the muffins are bad either..  ;  ). I really like the open crumb.. like Thomas'. Did you use starter or yeast? I just went and refreshed my starter in anticipation...Oh..and glad your oven is up and running!

I made the sourdough version, and will whisper in your ear that I added about one tablespoon canola oil and reduced the sugar to about one TEAspoon,* after the Elizabeth David recipe. Also, I made two batches, one being rather as wet as ciabatta dough (that was only the two cups of flour) and the other with another half cup thrown in. The somewhat drier but still very tacky dough gave me plumper muffins that still had holes, which I preferred.

*I seriously doubt that this had any real impact on the final results, and believe that with or without oil/sugar, these muffins will be, yes, Awesome. Good luck, can't wait to hear about it! (My oven was not so badly off, but the parts store closed early Thursday so the final touch had to wait til today. Plus this IS the second time it's needed repair, and I'm something of a literalist.)

That bit of oozy melting cheese is what resolved me to post what is, after all, only a tarted-up version of fast-food.

I swear I won't tell a soul, if you won't tell my secret.  Oozzy melting cheese, who would be a fool to resist? There is nothing wrong with this version and I hate to admit it..but if I'm in a hurry and hungry, this is the one fast food item I will eat without question..yeah I know the sausage/cheese combo is terribly bad healthwise..but once in a while.. Which version of your muffins are pictured..slack or drier? Thx BD

Do yall know anyone I can tell! :D ;) Man anything oozy cheese and melty bread is killah! :D

browndog which did you prefer? Can you tell the difference? That sausage looks sooo great. What brand is it and I know it's the phauxsausage. :D I'm still not eating alot of meat these days.

Paddy you MUST MUST MUST make these. They are so awesome you will start keeping them in your freezer for those days you have to have one or have your head explode! :D


Mornin', ladies,

Paddyscake, these are the drier muffins. The slacker ones  tasted wonderful, they were just squatter, more like very thick pancakes in appearance, though the texture was fine.

Blue Zebra, my fake sausages were courtesy of Boca, but Tofurkey makes some great ones and so does Morningstar Farms. They're light years better generally than they used to be.

Thank you , Mariana. I'm afraid Elizabeth would shake her head at what happens to muffins here in America, don't you think? But these little sandwiches made a marvelous quick dinner the other night.

That just looks way too good for a fake sausage sandwich.  Are you sure you're not holding out on us? 


Seriously, I've never eaten the sausage in question but I would bet it is pretty good.  I'm definately a meat eater but I like to try different things.  No matter, the muffins, with the sausage, eggs (are those fake, too) and cheese look delicious.

I present this fully aware that most of you might rather eat Spam (in its original incarnation) than veggie meat. But over the decades it's improved tremendously, so that the texture is perfectly acceptable if not equal to the real thing, and some brands are wonderfully savory and spicy.

Zolablue, even I will never offer up fake eggs or soy cheese for admiration, however, even though every worthy and true old hippie has a recipe for tofu 'egg salad' crumpled somewhere in the back of the junk drawer.

Browndog, these muffins are so English, Elizabeth David would be proud of you! I am. These are great looking muffins, my friend. I want to make some as well. Thank you for inspiration.