Using My New CL Motorized Mill


I got my Country Living Mill a few weeks ago.  I went for the motorized version for practical reasons.  Since then I have made a few loaves of bread some great and some not so great.  I have found that if I use 25% bread flour mixed with 75% home milled folur then my loaves come out fantastic.  This sortof sticks in my crawl a bit 'cuz what's the point of milling my own flour if I still need to use store bought.  I'll be making a set of loaves today and seeing if I can eliminate the use of store bought flour and still get great results.  Meanwhile, does anyone have a good recipe that I can use as a base to start from?  Any help is much appreciated.

It's a nice book to get you started with 100% whole wheat baking. My local library has it, also, but it's worth the buy. Also, although the recipes are copyrighted, here's someone who made a slight variation and published the result on the net to get you started.

Do you have a mixer? Check out Fresh Loaf user txfarmer's blog Sourdough 100% Whole Wheat Oatmeal Sandwich Bread - whole grain breads can be soft too. Check it out even if you don't have a mixer!



Thanks for the suggestion.  I think that I do have that book already, I guess that I need to read it 'eh... 


In regards to a mixer, I have a Viking 7qt mixer.  It's a 1000 watt mixer so it'll do whatever I need it to.  I have thought about the DLX but I don't have the capacity to bake any more than my Viking can put out, so I figured, why bother.  I've used the Viking to make everything from butter from cream, to cheese cake, icings, cookies, and of course all sorts of breads.


I'll check out the blog, thanks for pointing me in the right direction...