How to search for blogs


Can anyone explain how I can search what blogs are available on the site? 


If you are keen to read more blog posts from a particular contributor, you can click on their user name, this will take you to their account page and if you scroll to the bottom of the page there is a link to "view recent blog entries". You can also put 'username blog' in the search box to find their blog. Of course not all contributors to the website have established a blog here.

You can also scan through all the blog entries on the site, there is a link in the dark banner at the top of every page titled "Baker Blogs" - I just took a look, there are some 611 pages. However I'm not aware of a 'blog scroll' or similar.

It is very interesting to read through all the posts in a blog, starting at the first post and following along as the baker learns new skills and shares their experiences.

If this doesn't answer your question, please explain a bit more clearly what it is you hope to be able to do then maybe Floyd or someone who understands Drupal will be able to assist.