pain au levain


I have owned a copy of Bread Alone for many years, but I always use one of the breads that rely on a poolish. Decided to set up a chef and then a starter using the directions in there. These are my first two loaves. The taste is not particularly sour, more nutty but excellent. very chew crust. Surprisingly dark inside. I used KA Bread flour for the main dough and KA Whole Wheat for the starter. I am interested to see what the second batch does, after letting the chef rest for 24 hours. anyway,I can't figure out how include a picture but I still looking. PhilipG

Click on the FAQs link at the top of the page for information about posing photos.


I seem to be dumber than I thought. I get to the instruction where it says select the image io include it. bu I don't know how to select the image. sorry.

Congratulations on your new sourdough starter!  Your loaves look great, nice volume and your description of nutty flavor sounds very appealing.

Thanks for the nice words. I can remember futzing around with starters about 15 years ago but at the time my travelling schedule didn't permit me much success. About the third time I came home from a one week job that turned in to two weeks and found this amazingly smelly "stuff" in the back of the fridge, I gave up. Now I don't travel anymore, maybe I can get serious about it. PG