New members from Naples, Florida


Hi Gang,

We've love to cook, drink wine and enjoy everyday.  We've been baking for the past few months, we haven't purchase bread in the store in quite some time now.  I love posts with pictures, here's a fun link to my wife's blog where she is photo crazy,  some nice bread, food and life shots.  I look forward to reading more of our posts.




St. Louis Park is cold and we are going to get sleet and snow within the week.  Great time to put up a sponge and make some sourdough or a caraway rye.

Love the look of your blog.

How do I sign up to get it regularly?

Dr. Stu from the cabbage soup at Crossroads Deli

Hi Stu,

Do you chef/own Crossroad's Deli?  The menu looks awesome!!!

We're making pizza dough right now, deep dish later today.  I'm gonna try my luck with the first sponge right after the pizza dough gets done!



No, not an owner or cook there.  I just contribute recipes to the owners and they put them on the menu.  I am a regular there.  

I just took my first successful sourdough bread out of the oven.  I wish I knew how to put a picture of it on this site.  I can send pictures with my iPhone4 to any e-mail address but I don't know if ""is considered an e-mail address that will accept pictures from a phone?

Going to Costco now to get a brisket to make for Channuka.  I'll roast it today, chill it slice it and then freeze it and BBQ sauce it on Chanukah and serve it on buns like the old Lincoln Dell used to make it.

Hi Frank!,  I loaded Julie's blog and took a look.  Very nice and I see she just got started with blogspot.  Tell her to keep up the good work.  A lot of us like picture blogs... especially ones that center around food







Reddick Fla. 

Profile picture for user Stuart Borken

I have this new iMac computer and a new digital camera and an iPhone4 and with all this technical stuff, I can't for the life of me fugure out how to put a picture of my breads and starters on a comment contribution.  I will probably have to ask the 10 years old kid next door to help me.  I am still working full time including weekends for the next 3 weeks so I can't even go to the classes at my local Apple Store to learn how to do it.  It seems the only free time I have is like now at 1AM.  I'm dying to show someone my first sourdough bread that really turned out great!  Stu B.

If you look at the bar just above where you are typing in your comment you will see one of the little icons (just left of quotation mark ) is a picture of a tree. Put your curser over it and it should show "Insert/edit image". Click on that and in the box that pops up there is a field for URL. To the right of that is an icon for "Browse", click there and look for the "Upload" tab where you can "Browse" files and folders on your computer. As I recall, pictures should be 800x600 pixels or smaller.


Stu-  I mistakenly added the pic above, before I was finished adding text but the way I load most of the pics in forums I participate in, I link the photos I use from a seperate hosting site.  That way you are nopt loading up the forum with a lot of bandwidth.  I use flickr...   I load my photos to that site then when I want to use a photo, I do a right click on the photo (using internet explorer, the browser I use) which brings up a dialog box and at the bottom is properties.  Click on the properties box and look for the photo's URL.  I then drop and drag that URL and in most forums there is an image link icon.  Clicking on that icon allows you to place the photo URL into the body of the message


I sometimes use Mozilla as a browser...getting to the photo URL is a little different but it's the same a right click and a box will appear with various inforamtion about the photo...look for the URL.  The URL (universal resource locator?) identifies the pic's location on the WWW.  Again, by linking to your photos using a hosting site (many are free), when you add your're only using a small amount of space in the forum you're posting the pic to


In regards to using Flickr...I already had a Yahoo account set up with a password and sign in name, which made it easy to use their hosting site.  With Flickr, you are allowed 200 free photos.  After that, yuou pay a small monthly subscrition (a dollar or two a month for unlimited pics IIRC) Hope this helps 







Reddick Fla.