Dream to REALITY!!!!

Okay, everybody remember this?!

Can you make a WFO look like a barn?


Got my little "topper vent thing" up there with my HORSE weathervane!  Sooohoo cute! ;)

Got my super sweet Bass Pro on there too!! :)

Every barn has to have a Barn Quilt (at least in Country Magazine they do, so I have to too)!!!

And my cute "cow" handles!! :)

Had to put the horse in!

Okay, not totally finished yet, but will put more info in later.  Just finished my door, so now I can do bread! :)

IT CAN BE DONE!!! Thanks to all my TFL family who helped me to build it!  Love you guys!!!

With the help of the Lord...ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!! ;)


All too often we're left "I wonder whatever happened with ..." The followup pictures look pretty neat. I'm curious how you did some of the things (for example the "cow" handles).

Haaa!!! Yeah, I've been off radar trying to finish up!  But still here!  I'm spoiled with a super sweet dad who "knows stuff"!  I tell him, "I want cow handles", and he just makes them.  I can't believe I didn't have a picture of them before I painted them.  But he just had a piece of wood, and kinda shaped it out.  I thought they looked like hearts, my mom and sister thought they looked like dog bones!  I did have some pictures of the vent thing.  Had to have one of those!  He worked for a long time trying to figure out how to do a compound angel.  Too much math for me.  But he figured it out.  Then I pained it all and he put it together.  So that's how I got all that stuff.

See the handles at the top?  Then he just screwed them in and put a piece of wood on top (I don't know how he does it)?  Then he sanded it down.  I used my super sweet One Shot paint (love that stuff) so they are all nice and shiny!

This door weighs a million pounds!!  I'm never going to peek!!  So sad! :(  But, that's probably better!  When I put my bread in the oven I hold on to the handle and just hunch down and sit there and watch my bread!  Am I crazy?  My sister thinks I'm nuts.  She always says, "What are you doing"?  "WATCHING MY BREAD, WHAT DO YOU THINK"?!!!  So, it's going to be a real struggle for me not to peek in the oven all the time, so I guess it's good it's a thousand pounds!

Indeed!!  Give Him thanks and praise!  Great oven Faith.  I'm so glad to see that you hung in there and went ahead with the paint job.  Very cool for something so hot.  Now, let's see some bread!


OWS!  I've seen your bread photos!  Man, I'll post my oven pictures but I might have to wait on posting my bread till it can even "kinda" look like yours!!! ;)  Really, I wanted to save $ in electricity that is one big reason we built the oven.  Plus the fact that I've always wanted a WFO.  But I just pray and hope the bread will be good!  I really want to try bagels.  But maybe I should try something a little bit easier for the first time?  I always use parchment paper too, so this will be a new learning curve for me!  I wish I could tell you my whole oven story.  Really, it is a miracle straight from heaven!!  Maybe I'll make a "Little Barn WFO book"?  I think it would be great! :)

Thanks for your sweet comments! :)

Profile picture for user polo

You have a tremendous imagination and an equally tremendous talent. If your bread comes out anything like the oven you should be very happy!

Ah...you're sweet Polo!  It was funny having the oven done for so long, yet spending so much time on the outside.  I even got sick trying to beat the weather to paint it!  But, I'm the artist type, it's 50-50, looks-bread!  Ha!  Well, actually 100-100!  I really want it to "look" this way, but I also really want to "bake"!! :)  God is good!  Thanks for all your help and your sweet comments!  Thanks for your help in the Yahoo group too!  Man, they were a BIG part of my oven! ;)

Hope you have a great weekend!  Off to go get my tools!!!  WOOO HOOOO-FINALLY!!!! :)

Wow you and your dad are very talented!  I love the door especially.  We got our oven finished and so wanted to get cooking we haven't gotten to an insulated door yet.  It has been a year, but hopefully this fall. 

Very Very nice looking oven, can't wait to see all of the bread (and other itmes) you pull out of it. 

Can you bake without a door?  I didn't think you could do anything but pizza?  But if you've been going for a year now, maybe you don't need a door?  The door is really, really heavy, I think my dad is going to make some kind of stand for it too, so I have some place to put it?  Got my tools today, so Lord willing pizza on Sat.  What kind of tools do you have?  I figure we'll try and make them and see how they work?  Thanks for your sweet comments! ;)  That was so nice!! :)

I have what I call a firing door, just  a piece metal (18 guage?) that i mainly use when I light the fire, gives me a bit of comfort to walk inside to get whatever I forgot.  I also use it and end of cook and place a few bricks in font of it to keep it in place.  I do use it to bake as well but it realy allows the heat to escape.  An insulated door, like the one you and your dad built (very cool) or one like ClimbHi's oak door would hold in the heat much better.

We made our own tools for the most part, an ash sraper from some metal laying around welded to an aluminum pole, a wire bush also welded to an aluminum pole, a piece of rebar placed on a wood handle to use as a poker/pull and push.  But we ordered our peel (Banjo and loader peel) from Frankie G's online store.

I saw that Banjo peel at Frankie G's and LOVE IT!  Wish I could have one!  Maybe someday?!!  I bet it's totally worth the $!  I love Frankie, he is just the sweetest guy too!

The rebar is a good idea, I'll have to look into that one!  After reading more about ClimbHi's door, I'm wondering if mine is going to work?  There are a few spots where it's metal to wood.  So, don't know how it will be?  Today will be my test.  Have my really hot fire going now.  It's been in for about an hour and the top is already turning clear.  I was not expecting this!  I thought it would take a lot longer?  I'm going to have to slow it down a bit I guess?  I have a lot to learn in oven management, but it's been fun so far! ;)  Thanks for your tools tip!! :)
