Hi everyone
I've been looking all over the internet for an Italian pandoro mold that's available in the U.S. or that ships to the U.S. for a reasonable price. Most of what's available seems to be of the Portuguese variety, which has deeper pleats and a wider flare. The photo below shows what I'm looking for (taken from mwilson's blog at staffoflife.wordpress.com)
I found one Italian website that charges 50 euro for shipping a single 1 Kg capacity mold - that's more than the mold itself.
I also purchased a nonstick coated aluminum one from browncookie.com, which is great, but I'd like to find one with a higher capacity (around 1 Kg) for when I need to make a bigger loaf.
Do any TFLers out there have tips for us poor Americans searching desperately for authentic Italian pandoro molds?
This one's 10" x 4.5": http://www.amazon.com/Pandoro-Cake-Pan-Inch-Deep/dp/B002XKBPAO
This one's 9" x 4.5": http://www.amazon.com/Nonstick-Pandoro-Pan-Diameter-Deep/dp/B002WGXVA6/ref=pd_sim_sbs_hg_1
This one is almost large enough for 1 kg at 16" x 12", but it's silicone: http://www.katom.com/095-4778407.html?CID=GoogleBase2
Those that are large enough for 1 kg have the deep flutes you don't want.
Thanks for the links. The first two don't quite match the shape I'm going for (does it matter? probably not, but sometimes I'm neurotic about aesthetics), but the last one looks pretty good. I've seen it before, but I hesitated buying it because of the lack of reviews. Anyone have good or bad experiences with silicone bread molds? I'm not sure how things brown in them or whether they're stiff enough to stand up to handling without ruining the bread inside.
Try http://Fantes.com I bought some a while back and I thihnk I do 750gm dough in mine. A kilo of dough is HUGE.
I think these moulds are hard to find anywhere outside Italy. I had to pay a fortune to get mine shipped over.
I see that you're in San Francisco. Gary Rulli of Emporio Rulli uses the genuine moulds. Why not ask him? Probably a long shot but worth a try!
Emporio Rulli (Map)
Thank you! Unfortunately, I just moved away from San Francisco, but I did contact Emporio Rulli to see if they'd be willing to ship pandoro and if they had any tips for the molds.
Google search turned up this beautifully shot video of Gary Rulli making his pandoro
It appears that SFBI has started carrying Italian pandoro molds
I've emailed to ask about the dimensions and the material, but it looks promising.
Brilliant. I've just measured mine. The circular base is 4 3/4 inches wide. Its 6 1/2 deep and 9 at its widest point. From what I remember it holds approx 3 Litres of water.
hi, i am from PartsBBQ. Yes I Understand Your Problem I to facing the same problem if you find any thing suggest me once.