

Hovis bread is very or was very popular in UK, this is my version of it.
There is a high percentage of fresh wheat germ in it along with
home milled hard wheat kernels, and a little malt. It is not exactly the same as UK but. qahtan

Hovis bread dough panned.
Dough risen ready for oven Baked and cooling ready to eat

 Yes the Hovis flour is a different. this coming week I am making it again and some one else asked me for the recipe, so I will take note of exactly how much of what I use and post it.

 It's not exatly Hovis but it's not bad...

 I have been looking for a Hovis embossed bread tin for years, with no luck as yet , EBay have some some times but I want one to hold at least 1 or  1 1/2 pound dough.. qahtan 

according to the PDF file history. Would that steaming include the whole grain, the flour, or the loaf? I remember a cake in Indonesia and the flour for it had to be steamed first giving it a gel like quality; then when it was crumbled, mixed, and steamed again inside bamboo forms it came out like white cake. --Mini Oven

I have a big glossy book called "Bread - the breads of the world and how to bake them at home". Lots of pretty pictures, the kind of book Borders has on special in the lobby. They have a write up on Hovis, the gist of which says that just when the poor in Britain had been converted to the values and merits of white bread, a movement began to persuade people that breads containing wheat germ were highly valuable nutritionally. Hovis flour (from the Latin hominis vis, meaning the life of man) put the wheat germ back after stabilizing it to prevent rancidity. Could this be the steaming process? They say all Hovis loaves are made using Hovis flour, although there are a variety of mixes, some using more of the wholemeal along with other grains. Mentions the pans with the name embossed and says some of the loaves are "quite delicious". And some aren't? A