Jan Hedh book released - but no weight measurements!

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I've just received my long-awaited copy of Jan Hedh's Artisan Breads book (just re-released) and, as pointed out by Virtus in the Book Review forum, although Hedh repeatedly tells us to use scales for accurate measurement, the (American?) editors have decided to give all ingredients lists in cups and tablespoons!

Virtus reckons that actually they have made a worse mistake, as they have assumed that 100g = 1 cup (which I believe is not very accurate!?) - I wondered if anyone out there who has an older copy of the Jan Hedh book could possibly spare a few minutes to give some ingredients lists?

I'll start with the first one I'd be interested in trying - in the new book, it is called Le Pain de Lodeve, in the wholemeal section.
For 4 loaves, the ingredients listed are:
5 cups + 1/2 tbsp strong wheat flour
5 cups + 1/2 tbsp wholemeal dinkel flour
28 oz levain
3 cups + 1 1/2 tbsp water
1 1/2 tbsp salt

If this recipe is in the older book, could someone please possibly let me know the gram or oz weights for these?


(PS I've emailed Peters Yard Bakery, and also the publishers, but in the meantime just would like to check if Virtus' deduction works out!)

500 g strong wheat flour, preferably stone ground

500 g wholemeal dinkel flour

800 g levain

730 g water

25 g sea salt

(which means that 1 C water = 236 g, 1 tbsp water = 15 g. I am not sure about the very odd flour conversion... Something like 99 g flour per cup?)

Hmmmm...  So it's not quite as easy as "for one cup flour use 100g, for one cup water use 250g" - shame!!

Thanks lots for the info - at least I can give this one a go...  What I'll probably end up doing (good practice!) is working on roughly the assumptions in your message, and then seeing how it comes out (doing a sanity check with whether the hydration feels right or not)...

Much appreciated!


PS would you recommend any particular breads from the book?  I'm lookign at the bouillabaise one at the moment! <grin>

I would send it back kindly stating the obvious reason and ask my money be returned or an English with weights version.  Punk, exclamation mark!

Life is too short to deal with wierd conversions.  :)

I know I know - yes it will be a pain trying to convert - but it is a really attractive book <grin>

It was published in the UK back in 2004 I think, but the publishers went out of business I believe, and there appear to be no stocks anywhere.  I saw the book when I did Ananda's course in Newcastle and thought it had some really interesting recipes - so this was supposed to be the replacement!  I guess the publisher got the rights for US publication so decided to change all the ingredients lists to US-friendly?

I'll have to convert anyway I think for a number of recipes as they use yeast & I like to try with my sourdough (which reminds me, time to get Stephanie out of the fridge for her weekly feed!!)


I agree with Mini.


they have assumed that 100g = 1 cup

I think the publisher is not really fit to publish any cookery book.  And they should fire the editor who was in charge of publishing it.

If the books have different ISBN numbers for US and UK versions, I usually buy the UK version, which use weight/metric.

Unfortunately, it looks like the versions on both Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk have the same ISBN (and US publisher), so it's probably the same version on both sides of the pond.

There another Jed Hedh book titled Artisan Breads, published in 2007 with a UK publisher on Amazon.co.uk. Could that be the original UK publishing? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Artisan-Bread-Jan-Hedh/dp/0955595800/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1319217091&sr=1-4

Well, I wanted to send my copy back, like Mini suggests, but it doesn't seem an easy thing to get the original copy of this book. The real shame, I think, is the negative effect this will have on Mr Hedh. Like I've mentioned before this book is full of creative ideas for some wonderful bread, but there are so many errors or I think there are. Skyhorse Publishing hasn't answered my three emails!

I've been looking for the previous printing for some months, and not seen it anywhere (even places like AbeBooks) - or if I have, it's been ridiculously priced!

I've sent an email to Peters Yard Bakery (which I think Jan Hedh part-owns or is involved in) asking for them to let him know, so at least he may want to do something (hope!)
Otherwise I'll experiment - we could start our own "errata" sheet?
(doing a Pugliese at the moment so Jan's stuff will have to wait!)

Peters Yard Bakery were great - emailed me back today (!) and will be passing my message on to Jan Hedh

Fingers crossed!

Peter is great. When I sent him an email about the amount of water in the dough of 'Seed Bread' in 'Swedish Breads and Pastries', he answered very quickly that he would ask Mr Hedh when he saw him again. Looking forward to hearing what he says after he's spoken with Mr Hedh with your concerns. Thank you for contacting him.

Well done! ....and hope you'll get a good reply you're expecting from the author him(her?)self! :)

Quick update for anyone who hasn't read the other thread

Skyhorse Publishing replied with an apology - they meant to add the cups measurements to the gram measurements, and in error managed to miss out the gram measurements!  However they have realised this might be an issue, and anyone who has bought the book and wants the weight measurements should email them and request a copy of the pdf file with gram weights shown.

Think this is a pretty good outcome - for me at least! - as it means I can keep the book for the wonderful photos, and use the pdf when I'm actually baking the breads!  Probably less good for anyone in the US who is using the cups measures, as they do seem a bit strange (?).



Wow, amazing! But why didn't they answer to my emails? I was polite. Thank you very much for passing this one. I am going to ask for that pdf.

Thank you, thank you.

Great outcome! Yes, unfortunately do these English books by Jan Hedh suffer from poor editing. It's either a lack of knowledge about baking or about the Swedish language that plagues them a bit. But then some of the Swedish books have similar issues.

Just wanted to let you know that I have the original Swedish edition and can back up anybody's questions about most of the stuff in the English/American editions. In case you get stuck anywhere.

Hi Lasse,

I know this is an old post but if you are still around and have the time, could you let me know the measurements for seed bread, page 130 of Sweedish breads and Pastries. The second part has way too much water 525 gr to 235 rye flour and 115 gr wheat flour.

Many thanks,
