Mini-loaf madness continues! This is Reinhart's basic sourdough, made from San Francisco culture that's been fed only with KA bread flour. With the addition of 5 oz of chopped dried figs and 4 oz of walnuts, the bread is excellent, but has no real sour. I'm not sure I'm continuing with this particular starter...
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I extended the fermentation time on this batch over the last one I made with this starter. It went something like this:
Remove starter from fridge, let it warm for a couple of hours.
5 oz 100% hydration starter + 5 oz flour + 3 oz water to make preferment. This spent the night on the counter (~13 hours)
Made the bread and let it sit on the counter for ~6 hours, then into the fridge for a 48-hour slow proof.
Remove from the fridge, warm up 2 hours, shape and pan, proof for ~3.5 hours.
The flavor is fine, it's just not sour...
This one was with KA bread flour, not WW. The only additions to the dough beyond water, flour and salt were the dried figs and walnuts. I've pretty much decided this particular batch of starter is simply not very sour. I'm going to make one more try with the version of it that I've fed nothing but home-milled whole grains, but I'm writing off the white-flour-only one. It will free up some space in the fridge for another one :)
Hummm...always a mystery. I have never used a BF starter - mine are made with ww, Kamut, spelt and rye....all freshly ground so there is spunk in them. I would imagine adding a bit of rye to it would liven it up a bit but think you are right about moving on to a whole grain can convert it simply by feeding it ww. I too have limited the starters in my refrig. One ww and one rye.
Good Luck,