Baking with Julia - Julia Childs Brioche

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G'day from Sydney. I am testing various Brioche Recipes over the next few months to find one I like the best. I made the recipe from Julia Childs book 'Baking with Julia' on page 43. The bricohe turned out well and I was pleased with the overall result. Nice crumb, texture, flavour but when mixing at the second stage (adding the sponge to the final ingredients) and mixing for 15 to 20 min, I had to add more flour than her recipe called for. I used a kitchen aid mixer as well. The final mix calls for 1 1/2 cups of flour. It was 2 a.m. in the morning, I was making the bread for a Christmas in July party we had here in Australia and I was not as thorough as I usually am and did not document how much extra flour I added, I just added till in my experience and estimation it looked 'right'. I am going to retest the recipe in a few weeks, I am about to head out for visit home to the states, but wanted to see if any others had made this brioche and what their outcomes where. I will retest adding only what the recipe calls for and then again with the amount I think I added last time and see what the outcomes are. If anyone has experience making this particular recipe, I'd appreciate hearing from you.

Thanks heaps.



Well, where is our picture?  I want to see it :)  Sounds like me baking bread in the wee hours of the morning.  I would love to see it.  Did you braid it or use the typical brioche pans?


Whenever I've made brioche its always a pretty slack dough.  When I put it in the fridge for a couple hours it gets nice and firm to work with....but quickly have to do the work or else it gets real slack again and back in the fridge it goes. 



 Next time I'll have to take photo's..   :-)  but the results where eaten quickly at the Christmas in July Party we had in Sydney...and I'll have to be more careful about how much additional flour I add.....

Ryan Propst

Sydney, Australia