I am currently waiting for my 2nd attempt at baking basic white loaves of bread to rise! I have been considering picking up baking but have been a bit intimidated by it.
However, my Grandfather was a baker so I hope it runs in the family!
Be sure to visit Food for Thought on Central Ave when you're ready to start doing some loaves with whole wheat flour. They carry Arnold's white whole wheat flour which I've found to be really good. Don't forget to look for flours from Heartland Mills of Marienthal, KS. Good flour does make a difference in your loaves.
I will have to make it a point to stop by there some time. I am still so green at this that just making daily use bread is still hit and miss. :) but I continue to do it. :)
If you take a look at the Home page, you'll find a section on the right hand side titled lessons. Be sure to read through the lessons before you bake your next loaf. Then read through after you've baked your loaf and you'll find that the lessons make more sense. If you have more questions, use the search feature at the upper left hand side of the Home page. There's an enormous amount of information available from home bakers that started out just as you are doing now. Enjoy the craft and the fun in doing well.
Welcome Pixie,
Baking just take perseverance and patience. Come on in the water is fine!
Be sure to visit Food for Thought on Central Ave when you're ready to start doing some loaves with whole wheat flour. They carry Arnold's white whole wheat flour which I've found to be really good. Don't forget to look for flours from Heartland Mills of Marienthal, KS. Good flour does make a difference in your loaves.
I will have to make it a point to stop by there some time. I am still so green at this that just making daily use bread is still hit and miss. :) but I continue to do it. :)
If you take a look at the Home page, you'll find a section on the right hand side titled lessons. Be sure to read through the lessons before you bake your next loaf. Then read through after you've baked your loaf and you'll find that the lessons make more sense. If you have more questions, use the search feature at the upper left hand side of the Home page. There's an enormous amount of information available from home bakers that started out just as you are doing now. Enjoy the craft and the fun in doing well.