Pain de Beaucaire


Baked these today from Bread Cetera. Very nice taste, and fun to make. Overnight levain, 20 min autolyse, 1 hr bulk ferment, 30 min rest, fold, slurry, cut, stack, 1.5 hr proof. Baked on its side 15 minutes @ 450F w/steam; bake w/o steam 25 min. 


I use the Beaucaire recipe from Bernard Clayton's The Breads of France.

His loaves are quite a bit smaller than yours, which are the traditional size.

Fun to make and you get the "bread scoring" for free (i.e. none required). (Yes, people, those loaves are not scored. Believe it or not.).

Nicely done.


James, these loaves are beautiful. I must try this formula, I've never made pain au beaucaire before. That is an interesting technique for "shaping" and if you say it's fun to make, I'm all in.

thanx for sharing.
