Hihi from Singapore!


Hihi everyone,

My name's Aaron and I started baking enthusiastically recently.

I first got inspired several years ago after buying a book called "Celebrity Chefs' Cookbooks: Don Yong - Bread Winners" http://www.selectbooks.com.sg/getTitle.aspx?SBNum=033599 and poring over the pictures of wonderful looking breads. Since then I have tried baking an occasional loaf but without much success.

I look forward to sharing my results and welcome any comments and advice from fellow forumers. I do enjoy reading all the posts and looking at the pictures that are shared here.

Well, here's a good place to talk about bread and bread flops.  People here are at all levels of baking so don't be shy.  Many simple questions can be answered by just typing a question into the search machine and see what pops up or turns into a brick (dense loaf).   The book sounds like it is rather advanced for beginning bread baking.  What is your impression?


Hi Mini, thanks for the welcome. Don Yong's book is a collection of recipes with little tips included along the way. The recipes are easy to follow but the book does not go into the basics of bread making which a beginner would need. The recipes however are all given in grams which is a good thing.

I have ordered the Bread Baker's Apprentice from Peter Reinhart and A Baker's Book of Techniques and Recipes from Jeffery Hamelman and am waiting excitedly to get more hands on them. I hope to learn the basics from there.