SuperPeel Review

Wow! I have been using the Super Peel for about three weeks, now, and am finding that it is one of the most useful baking tools I own. I have used it for several types of bread (low and high hydration) without a hitch, except for the first one, when I didn't use enough flour on the canvass. I had always used the parchment and peel method before, but sometimes it was a real pain getting the breads and pizzas exactly where I wanted them on the stone. I would have to use a turner to push it off, or the dough would end up hanging off the front edge of the stone. And, I would sometimes end up degassing the dough quite a bit. That doesn't happen with the Super Peel. I now effortlessly put the dough exactly where it needs to go and I haven't noticed any degassing at all. Another problem I used to have was with pizza. Even though I used the parchment on the peel, when I tried the "jerk" to slide the pizza onto the stone, the toppings would move around on the pizza - some ending up on the stone. With the smooth motion of the Super Peel, that no longer happens. The pizza stays exactly as it was built. While the parchment made it easier for me to get the doughs on the stone, I always wondered about the health consequences of using that coated paper between such a hot surface and the food. They have been going back and forth about Teflon for years, and in the back of my mind, I was a bit leary of baking on the parchment. Now, I don't have to worry. I also made two pies last week and used the Super Peel to transfer the crust dough from the counter to the pans. There was no cracking or tearing that I had to patch. Any other suggestion for using this peel? Nancy
Nancy, Great! Another use, which may come to the forefront soon is as a tranfer tool for that now ubiquitous and very popular flexible (floppy!) silicone bakeware. The Super Peel can move these in and out of the oven without a tray or rack and without a hitch. The tackiness of the silicone only makes it work better. Been talking to some very significant people in that market and we "may" do "something" toward this end, later this year. Pizzameister
That's a great idea, Pizzameister! I have looked at those things and decided against them because the ones without the stand looked too flimsy to handle easily and those with stands are just one more thing to get separated and lost. I can see where the Super Peel would work great for transferring the flexible baking pans. I may have to get one just to try it! Nancy