oven dried/roasted tomatoes


Sorry if this is a little OT, but I'm running the bread oven today and was thinking of using trying to roast/dry some tomatoes at the end of the oven heat. I've never done this before--any good recipes that people have tried?


The oven seems to hold 200-250 degrees most of the night after baking, and some of the recipes call for 8 hours in the oven...do you think I could just leave them in there all night?





I made some sun-dried (actually dehydrator-dried)  tomatoes last season which were wonderful. Here is the recipe (from some web-site, I don't remember) for sun/dehydrator/oven dried tomatoes:



Note that there is a lot of shrinkage in this process. Someone recently
posted that it takes 15-20 pounds of tomatoes to make 1 pound of dried
tomatoes. This is part of the reason they are so expensive. The best tomato to use in this process is the Roma tomato (also known as a plum, pear, or Italian tomato), because it contains less water and seeds than other varieties. Howev cut in half if small, quarters omato, even cherry tomatoes. They will just take a little longer to dry and yield a little less product. Dried Tomatoes (yields about 1 pint) Wash carefully and wipe dry:
7 or 8 pounds of firm, ripe (preferably Roma) tomatoes. Cut out the stem, and if the tomato has a scar (discolored area of tough
skin), remove it and the hardened core lying under it. Cut the tomatoes in half, lengthwise. If the tomato is more than about 2
inches long, cut it in quarters. Scrape out all of the seeds that you can without removing the pulp. Arrange the tomatoes, with the cut surface up, on non-stick cookie sheets
(glass or porcelain dishes are OK. They will have to withstand
temperatures of a few hundred degrees F if you are going to oven-dry the
tomatoes). Do *not* use aluminum foil, or bare aluminum cookie sheets. The
acid in the tomatoes will react with the metal. Mix together thoroughly:
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried thyme
2 tsp salt.
Sprinkle a small amount of this mixture on each tomato. (You may customize
this mixture to suit your own taste.) Dry the tomatoes in the oven, dehydrator, or in the sun. Directions follow
for each of these methods. However, no matter what method you choose, be
aware that not all of the tomatoes will dry at the same rate. They do not
all have the same amount of moisture, nor do they experience the same
temperature and air circulation while they are drying. They are done when they are very dry, but still pliable - about the
texture of a dried apricot. If dried too long, they become tough and
leathery. If not dried long enough, they will mold and mildew, unless
packed in oil. So watch them carefully while they dry. Try to remove them
on an individual basis, before they become tough. Here are the drying methods. There is a time listed with each method. This
time is approximate, and can vary significantly depending on the moisture
of the tomato. Do not rely on this time as more than a very rough guide. Oven-drying (approximately 12 hours): Bake, cut side up, in 170 F oven for about 3 hours. Leave the oven door
propped open about 3 inches to allow moisture to escape. After 3 hours,
turn the tomatoes over and press flat with your hand or a spatula.
Continue to dry, turning the tomatoes every few hours, and gently pressing
flatter and flatter, until tomatoes are dry. Dehydrator method (approximately 8 hours): Place the tomatoes, cut side up, directly onto the dehydrator trays. Set
dehydrator temperature to about 140 F. After 4 or 5 hours, turn the
tomatoes over and press flat with your hand or a spatula. After a few
hours, turn the tomatoes again and flatten gently. Continue drying until
done. Sun-drying (approximately 3 days): Dry in hot weather, with relatively low humidity. Place tomatoes, cut side down, in shallow wood-framed trays with nylon
netting for the bottom of the trays. Cover trays with protective netting
(or cheesecloth). Place in direct sun, raised from the ground on blocks or
anything else that allows air to circulate under the trays. Turn the
tomatoes over after about 1 1/2 days, to expose the cut side to the sun.
Place the trays in a sheltered spot after sundown, or if the weather turns
bad. After the tomatoes are dry, store in air-tight containers, or pack in oil. To pack in oil:
Dip each tomato into a small dish of white wine vinegar. Shake off the
excess vinegar and pack them in olive oil. Make sure they are completely
immersed in the oil. When the jar is full, cap it tightly and store at *cool* room temperature
for at least a month before using. They may be stored in the refrigerator,
but the oil will solidify at refrigerator temperatures (it quickly
reliquifies at room temperature however). As tomatoes are removed from the jar, add more olive oil as necessary to
keep the remaining tomatoes covered. The author notes that she has stored oil-packed tomatoes in her pantry for
over a year with tremendous success. She also notes that she has tried a
number of methods to pack the tomatoes in oil, but she says the vinegar
treatment is the difference between a good dried tomato and a great one.
It is also important from a food safety standpoint, as it acidifies the
oil and discourages growth of bacteria and mold. ****** WARNING ******** Do *NOT* add fresh garlic cloves to oil-packed dried tomatoes, UNLESS you
store them in the refrigerator. Garlic is a low-acid food which, when
placed in oil, creates a low-acid anaerobic environment - the perfect
growth medium for botulinum bacteria if the mixture is not refrigerated.
Botulism poisoning is characterized by a very high mortality rate. Be safe
and add your garlic to the dried tomatoes as part of the recipe for them
*after* they come out of the oil.

I think I'll give it a shot, it's not like we're lacking in tomatoes around here!

 I do have a little dehydrator too so if they're not quite done by morning I can finish them up in that.


Thanks again!



grow for next year, place the removed seeds and the gel that coats them into a small container like a plastic cup and let stand 4 to 5 days in a warm sheltered place to ferment. When it's good and stinky, poor off the top gook and add water to rinse gently leaving seeds at bottom of cup.  Poor off water and let dry on a labeled paper plate ev. envelope.  Seeds keep for years.  --Mini Oven

I saw in the paper today an article on roasting tomatoes which I am going to do as I have bushels of tomatoes on hand every day. So you would wash and dry 12 plum tomatoes and lay out on a foil lined sheet cut side up. Drizzle with a tablespoon of olive oil and season with salt and pepper then roast at 425 degrees F for about 1 hour or until they browned on the bottom and shrivelled. Then top them with a mixture of 1/4 cup chopped parsley, 1 1/2 tsp chopped thyme, and 1 tbsp minced garlic. Then return to oven for another 15 min or until the herbs just begin to brown. Mmmmm.

Sounds tasty! 

another poster on another site but there is a recipe for roasted tomato sauce, like a pasta sauce that looks and sounds devine and has rave reviews!

 By squishing the plums a bit after halving them, you will get the predominence of seeds and juice out which will make the roasting all the more sweet! Just a tip. :D