Last Saturday I started my SFO sourdough starter from Sourdoughs, Intl. As a newbie to breadmaking and especially to sourdough starters the directions were a bit complicated.
Tried the lightbulb and styrofoam for a proof box and was glad I tested the temp before starting my starter. Temps got up to 102 degrees!
I ended up proofing inside my oven with the light turned on. Temps stayed steady at about 91 degrees.
Second stage proofing was done at room temp.
My starter was very active by Tuesday/Wednesday.
I saved all of my throw aways with a plan to make pancakes.
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My last years starter died when I found a new job which took over my time. When I looked at it I thought it better to make a new starter as the old had not been fed in quite a long time and was found dead and black in colour in the back of the fridge.
So last weekend I began a new starter (promising to take better care of it). We have our warmer spring season now beginning so now is a good time as I can just leave the starter on the kitchen bench in a glass jar with a couple of holes punched in the lid so it can breathe.
Day 1 Originally Imixed to a slurry 50grms of white bakers flour, 50 grms of wholemeal spelt flour and 100 grms of unsweetened pineapple juice.
Day 2 I added 50 grms of white bakers flour with 50 grms of unsweetened pineapple juice.
Day 3 I now took out half of the starter(no sign of life as yet but day 3 is early) and fed another 50 grms of both of white bakers flour + pineapple juice. Instead of throwing out the excess starter I began another one but feeding it 50 grms of both W/meal spelt flour + pineapple juice.
Day 4 I now see small bubbles appearing along the sides of the jar and on top of the surface. I was confident we were under way knowing that the mix was not yet ready to begin baking with. Another feed repeating day 3 but throwing away the excess insteading of starting another colony of yeast starter.
Day 5. We have lift off. The first starter grew over night to a point where it came out of the holes in the jars lid. It is a bubbling thriving mass of sourdough starter. The 2nd mass also grew but it was a bigger jar. I will now go back to feeding this one white bakers flour with the occassional spelt flour feed for a different flavour and approach. I am also confident I can now replace the pineapple juice with water. Since it was so alive I decided to bake.
150 grms of the original white starter.
400 grms of white bakers flour
50 grms of W/meal spelt flour
300 grms of luke warm water
10 grms of salt.
This mix was placed in my bread baker and set on the knead only setting. When the cyle stopped I turned the machine off and let the dough rise for another hour as S/Dough starter is slower to rise than instant dried yeast.
I then removed the dough from it's kneading basket and divided it into two on a floured surface. I gave both a small stretch and fold and shaped the dough to place in a traditional bread loaf tin. They were then left to proof for the next 6 hours and cooked at 200 Degrees for 40 minutes. The result was 2 X 500grms sourdough loaves, my best to date.
Although a more mature taste has yet to come from the starter I was surprised at such an early success from such a yeast colony that is only 1 week old. The crumb was light in texture and taste with a chewy taste. I am looking forward to the future when the age will give a lot more taste. My next loaves will be made on the 2nd starter that has been fed the spelt flour. I have created this 2nd starter chasing I hope variations in bread flavour. From next week the starters will live in the fridge being removed for feeding, brought to room teperature for baking with and then back into the fridge.
I have a camera but I am not confident as yet for downloading any photos. I must learn this trick.
Anyway Bon appetite with your sourdough.............Aussie Pete.
Sounds like yours is on the right track.
Hi again,
"The crumb was light in texture and taste with a chewy taste". copied from above
I meant to write "chewy crust" not chewy taste.
............Cheers...........Aussie Pete.