Hi from Greece


Hi my name is Costas and I am a baker from Greece.

I was reading your blog for the last 2 years and at last i ve decided to join!


What city you live in Greece?




We can be a chatty gorup as you have seen in your visits.  Looking forward to your posts.  Love the Country Greek Loaf.

Best calamari I ever had was in Greece.  


Yes for sure!I was chef de cuisine for 7 years and the last 2 i am running my own bakery.I would be glad if i can help whith any kind of  recipe!

Profile picture for user dmsnyder

Hi, Costas.

Welcome to TFL!

I have no experience with authentic Greek breads, but I have tried several recipes for typical Greek breads I found on the internet and in bread baking books published in the US. The most common recipes I find are for enriched breads baked for holidays. If you can share some formulas for "every day" traditional Greek breads, it would be greatly appreciated.


just as interested in what you top bruschetta with...

my ex is lebonese and many of the foods have there equal (or better) with roots in greece

(tahini based, baba ganoush, olive pestos, anchovie based... etc)

thanks...and although i am new here too

welcome !!!