Miso Light Rye Sourdough with Seaweed - umami in bread form


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Lumos' blog post inspired me to make a bread with seaweed. In my miso soup loving mind, seaweed must go with miso paste, must. There are many different kinds of miso paste, you can find details here. The big bucket I stock at home to make miso soup is "soy miso" with dark reddish color. Since miso has a lot of  fermentated soy bean and salt, it's important not to go overboard and add too much. 15% seems to be a good balance for me: enough miso flavor, yet doesn't completely destroy the dough. With that much miso, plus my very fast rye starter, both bulk rise and proof were very fast. I didn't cold retard the proofing, since the fermentated soybean in miso might have negative effect on the dough over such a long period.

I used dried seaweed found at Asian markets, before use, I soak them in water for 5min+, and they expand to this:


Miso Rye with Seaweed
note: Make a 750g bread

- levain
whole rye, 57g
water, 45g
rye starter (100%), 6g

1. Mix and let rise 12-16hours.

- final dough
bread flour, 340g
miso paste, 60g
water, 220g
dried seaweed, 20g, soak for 5min+ then squeeze dry before use
all levain

2. Mix everything except for seaweed, autolyse for 30min, mix @ medium speed for 5min until gluten starts to develop. Add soaked and dried seaweed, mix @ slow speed until evenly distributed.
3. Bulk rise at room temp (~75F) for about 2.5hrs. S&F at 30, 60, 90, 120min.
4. Shape into boule, proof bottom up in basket, until it springs back slowly when pressed, about 60min for me and my TX kitchen.

6. Bake at 450F with steam for the first 15min, lower the temperature to 430F, keep baking for 25-30min.

I must admit all that miso does weaken the dough, but if fermentation and S&F are managed well, there still be decent oven spring.

Nice open crumb, very moist

You really must love miso/seaweed to like this bread, because both flavours have noticeable presence here.

Once again I am floored by your creativity and your ability to make your ideas into beautiful loaves of bread.....I am green with envy... *-)


ah but you beat me to it... thought of doing a seaweed and miso one, or a Pullmanish loaf with those japanese spice mixes but, as always, it went on to that never-ending list of mine, then i got distracted, and life got in the way... BUT now i don't have to experiment with proportions cos txfarmer's gone and done it for us ;)) woohoo!

beatiful bread!!

Wow, fantastic how you can make even the most obscure breads look great. (Random Question) Do you know what temperature your fridge is for when you retard a dough's fermentation? I heard yeast goes dormant below 40 F which is about the recommended temperature for refrigerators. My dough never seems to grow in the fridge when I try to retard my dough, so I was wondering also if you have any tips?

Mine is 40F. Yeast goes slower at 40F, I don't think it totally stops. Plus it takes time for the dough to drop to that temperature, and it can still grow in the mean time. My only tip is to account for that when you plan your timing.

actually what i had in mind was DRIED seaweed, you know the flaky sort, so this is yet another to try :))

BTW, i've read that Gontran Cherrier, that hip Parisian baker, makes miso rye bread and squid ink bread in his bakery. Who was it that mentioned he/she loves squid ink, Lumos, would that be you??

Who was it that mentioned he/she loves squid ink, Lumos, would that be you??

Yep, that's me! Squid ink lover. :p  Been thinking of making baguette with squid ink.  Waiting for my fishmonger to stock up the little black sachets for me again. ;)

to txfarmer

If you can't get it easily where you are, you may be able to substitute with this one. You can even incorporate the squid meat in it, probably. Another bone for you. :p

Oh my, this is definitely on my To Do list! I have a BIG vat of miso. I don't know why in the world I bought as much as I did, but there you have it!