True or False?

You may freeze one filled loaf and let it thaw to rise before baking.  True____?  False____?

I reference the following happy post regarding the blueberry braid-                                                                     "I've been making two braids, and freezing one after I add the filling and do the braid. During the week, I take it out in the evening and let it thaw and raise to double and bake it. So far I've had no problems with that."   This was posted by a man with great karma and a serene home environment.

I have an answer of my own and photos to prove it.

Frozen Braid

Frozen Braid

Frozen Braid Part Two

Frozen Braid Part Two

Admittedly, my planets are not aligned at present!

Redivy, it's good to have you back! How generous of you to be conducting sophisticated scientific experiments on behalf of inquiring bread-bakers everywhere...The first braid looks fantastic, but it pains me to say that Door No. 2 looks like something that's trying desperately to get away (and shouldn't.)..And one important thing about planetary alignment, remember--it changes.

Thanks for the encouraging words regarding the planets, Brownie! Yes, photo #2 is that portion of photo #1 that made a run for it. I had to corral it before I could bake the braid for a house full of overnight guests. Fewer witnesses would have been nice!  The braid was tasty, more so if you weren't able to compare it to the freshly prepared and baked version of same.

Am I correct; did you check false?

I'm not sure if I would have cried, laughed maniacally or thrown the peel across the room.  Taste is what matters, but that braid was so pretty!

But being an optimist, I'm going to have to say True. I'll just consider your experience to be the exception that proves the rule.