Liquid Levain and Culture


I am reading the French Culinary Institute's bread program manual and I have a few questions. The book is incredibly vague. It basically just lists bakers percentages and than more of a bulleted list of instructions designed to be used by a professional baker as key points which they would then fill in details from their own experience. I am looking specifically at the pizza dough recipe and trying to compare it to PR BBA napoletana recipe. It has lead me to two questions.


The FCI recipe calls for a levain build. It than states Culture 10% 

It also calls for 10% Liquid Levain in the final dough. It then states on one of the bullets (improved mix)

My questions are these....


for the levain build, am I to assume that culture is a basic seed culture? I would normally not have access to this and would need to start a sourdough build?

Liquid Levain I am assuming is just another sort of start with higher hydration? 

Improved Mixing method, I have read that you basically mix for 5 minutes on low and 2 minutes on high adding oils and fats after initial gluten development has been achieved.  Is that a correct assessment? 


Thanks for the help



Levain build is sourdough.

Liguid levain is a sourdough starter of 100% hydration or more.

Improved mix of 5 and 2; some will agree.

So basically, in order to properly make this recipe I would need to have two seperate types of sourdough starter? 


I'm a chef so to put it in terms I understand.....

This is like adding depth of flavor? Seasoning in layers 

Only one Sourdough starter at 100% hydration, possibly 125%; the 10% refers to the amount of this levain added to final dough. Do you understand "Bakers percentages?"
