Malted Wheat Flakes

Profile picture for user Janetcook

I recently purchased some malted wheat flakes to use in some of my enriched loaves.

I am wondering if anybody has ever made their own by malting wheat berries and then running them through a flaker or if there is another way to make you own????  The purchased ones were pretty pricey....



Profile picture for user ananda

Hi Janet,

I think malting barley grain can be quite an involved and intricate process.

At least if you want to use the malt for brewing.   I've only ever used it prepared as crushed malted barley for brewing beer.   I gather the degree of sprouting/germination is important, as is the pressure applied to crush the grain to expose its inner parts.

I suspect this is not so important if you want to use the malted grain to turn to flakes for use in bread.

I would be looking for more information from maltsters on this.   I'm sure some kind micro brewer out there will be able to help.

All good wishes


Thanks for the input.  

Realized I can just sprout some wheat berries like I do barley and then malt them, grind them and add them to some oats and make oatmeal and then add that to a formula in place of 'plain' oatmeal.  The flavor and the flakes will be there - just oats rather than wheat flakes....


I think you might want to "toast" the malt too, most likely after sprouting the berries and before milling into flour, but maybe after milling the flour and before using. (Sorry I don't know exactly how or how much.) Un-toasted sprouted grain more-or-less is diastatic malt. Home-brewers should be a good resource for learning more and/or pointing to ready-made availability.

Toasting it will:

  • destroy the enzymes bit by bit, slowly turning it into non-diastatic malt
  • slowly deepen the color from a very light tan to a very dark brown
  • darken (and emphasize?-) the flavor


(The same thing you do for barley [the most commonly "malted" grain] applies to other grains [including wheat] too. Diastatic malt generally uses barley berries rather than wheat berries mostly because barley berries are cheaper, not because it wouldn't work with wheat berries.)

Hello, Chuk! May be' you know- how exactly I have to roast my diastaic malted flour? I purchased wheat in brewery supply's shop, mill it and add 100g to 400 g of bread flour. My bread was a real disaster- piece of good glue!

So I understand that I need to destroy enzymes in my malted flour, and i can use it only 1% from total wheat, not more, isn't it?