Really excited to have found this site. Missed out on the chance to take an artisan bread class at LCI (Louisiana Culinary Institute), so I started searching the net which led me here.
Being from Louisiana I grew up cooking and have always wanted to try my hand at baking, something nobody in my family ever did. I have played with some pizza doughs and gotten some really nice results, but have always wanted to up the ante.
Welcome tebmsu. I am sure you will find enough here to allow you to "up the ante", without any doubt. Have fun, happy baking.
...a recipe or two that's not exactly baked a gumbo, etouffee, stage plank or jambalia recipe. I spent a year or so in Baton Rouge myself and my folks lived in Thibodeaux for a few years.
Welcome aboard.
I can almost see Prairieville from my house...LOL. No, I'm a few more miles downriver, baking w/commercial yeast, wild yeast, and everything in between. Got a batch of leavan and poolish going right now, for my first try at the Tartine Bread book version of baguettes. Coincidentally teaching a yeast baking class this fall, but it's pretty elementary stuff intended for novice bakers.