Spell Check

Profile picture for user Janetcook

Don't know if it is just my computer but as of 2 days ago my auto. spell check stopped operating on this site....anybody else run into this?  



Your spell-check isn't a component of your computer's operating system or programs, it's more likely your browser.

The spell check is set in my browser - Safari - but still isn't functioning here.....We did just install a new operating system and it seems to have started then although it works elsewhere.....We are all puzzled.....No more automatic pop up...grrrrr.  

So what you are saying is that your spell check is working as always?     





Every time the spell check is clicked it toggles off and on. Sometimes I have to scroll the screen to see suggestions.


I used to have it all done automatically.  A red line appeared and then I could choose the correct spelling.  Now no indication at all when I am typing....I didn't have to use the above spell check.

Now it is more steps to accomplish what used to be done in one.....

I hate when I wake up my PC only to find Microsoft decided to update something (because they rush the operating system out the door and think they'll just fix all the bugs later) and some things don't work the same. Oh Bother.


Not only distinct, but superior by definition. ;-D

I use Firefox in Debian. On this site only, I have to right click in the text area and select spell check. It does not run by default. The same is true of Win Vista and 7.

This occurs only in rich-text mode. If you disable rich-text, the spell check works automagically. The trouble with that is that you need to know html to properly structure your reply. I consider this to be a bug related to the choice of mini-editor[sup]1[/sup]. Other Drupal (the underlying CMS) sites I visit do not have this issue.



1. I do like the ability to inject html, but then, I'm a web coder.

Hey Janet,

I don't know if we are experiencing the same, but I sure wish I would have read the "small print" before installing Lion...

I also have problems with my spellchecker now (among a whole array of other digital mishap). Mine still works though: when I click spellcheck (in Safari, on an Imac late 2008) the misspelled words are underlined red (like it is supposed to). 

When I click a word for the "automatic pop up" with alternative words, it DOES show up, but nowhere near the word I am checking. As a matter of fact, when I scroll up, I usually find it somewhere at the top of the page! I can still click it and replace the misspelled word.

It could be that you have the same thing going (or not of course...). Check and see if your "automatic pop up" does also  appear somewhere higher up on the page...

It's hardly a solution, but (if you have the same thing going) it might be what we are looking at until some one at Apple HQ wakes up to fix this...

Curious to find out if it works the same on your system

greetz Freerk


Morning Freerk,

My husband installed Lion and I, being a computer dunce, was under the assumption that we had no choice.  I didn't know I could have stayed with my old OS and am wondering now if I can simple get the old one back????

The only way I can check spelling now is by going into 'edit' and then I do get a screen but the words offered are no where near close to being accurate as it was before.  In fact, most of the words offered are incorrect!  It couldn't even fix my purposly misspelled 'andd'.  I do not get the red underline automatically anymore despite the fact that I have it set on 'automatic'.  (I don't think I have the same prompt you mentioned.(Automatic pop up).  I have to go to the Edit file

The whole thing is pretty useless as far as I am concerned.

My husband did say that 'they' will probably fix it but what does that mean and when????  

I will have to find out from him if I can get my old system back.  (Previous to this I was clueless to what an operating system was/is and didn't know that they can be changed....a lesson learned....)

Thanks for chiming in here.  Let's me know I am not the only one.  My husband doesn't use his computer like I do and my daughter hasn't changed over yet.  I think I will tell her NOT to.

Take Care,




I did just send out a WARNING to my friends who have Apples.  I imagine word will spread quickly and hopefully people can be spared the aggravation.....I am thinking I only use this as a home computer - imagine how people are affected that use them for work or students....I did warn my daughter and she won't install and I know my sister won't either.

Back to a good old dictionary.  :-)  I know I can do it but my kids have been conditioned to rely only on electronics to do their thinking ......dangerous....  =-0

Hey Janet,

Technically it is possible to retrieve your old OS, but somehow I have the feeling you'd better not!

I feel seriously "had" by Apple, and it's the second time in a few months (the first one being my graphic card dying on me, katsjing; €400!  yes, half a new computer, they know exactly how far they can go...). Have you got any other applications that don't work any more? My "Word for Mac" and a light version of adobe photoshop; GONE! I know, I should have read the whole shebang before installing it, but hey; it was a 24,99€ update, so my guess was it couldn't be anything major. Unfortunately they have decided to stop supporting PPC (power PC) applications.

I installed Lion for one single reason; AirDrop; making it possible to exchange large files over computers that are on the same network, without any hassle; just drag and drop. Great for putting large video files on my laptop. After installation I found out that the wifi receiver I have on my 1,5 year old computer (!!!!!) is... outdated (!!!!) and won't work with AirDrop. GRRRR! So, effectively I have downgraded myself AND paid 24,99 for it.... what a wonderful world it is :-|

If you have  TimeMachine installed on your system (basically an external hard disc that makes a "picture" of your exact settings at any given time in history) it is a whole lot easier to get back to your "old" system.  Ask your hubby! He is right though; it won't take too long before these bugs trickle through to Apple and they will produce some fixes.

Let's just remember to "wait it out" until the bugs are fixed next time, before installing a new OS!

My guess is you have an Imac that you probably bought somewhere late 2008?

In case you have Pages, or a new version of Word for Mac, there is one more option and leave the dictionary on the bookshelf to gather dust; You can simply write your forum-entry or whatever it is in one of those applications and use the spellcheck that comes with that, and when you're done: select it all and copy and paste it into your message!

We'll find a way to work around it!


greetz and happy baking!




Thanks for the info again.  I know my mail got changed around but my son showed me how to work with it and it isn't that different. It does have a spell check that will work.

I really can't comment on the other things you mentioned as I am pretty computer illiterate and rely on my kids and husband to keep me computer 'functional' for the things I do use...email, google searches and 2 forums....

I think you are correct though.  I will wait this out and in the mean time find ways to work with it...

Take Care,


Morning Freerk, My husband had time to fiddle with my computer this morning and he found a way around the spell check. What he discovered was that simply disabling the 'rich text' at the bottom of the comment box here brings up my old spell check. It will either give me options and I get to choose the spelling I want or it will do it auto. for me. My computer is a MacBook Pro 2009 vintage. He also called Apple to see if they had a solution and they didn't. This isn't a solution that will automatically 'fix' all the places I 'go' but at least it will work here. Good luck with your computer 'losses' :-) Take Care, Janet

Hey Janet,

The computer fairies (both in the real world and in cyberspace) have been working hard: since this morning my spell check is working like a jiffy again. It repaired itself, apperently :-)

And yours is working as well again, more or less..

With a 2009 Mac Book Pro you are actually doing quite good when it comes to Lion! With time you will get it all back in (your own preferred) order, until the next update comes along of course. They'll keep us sharp!


Hi Freerk, Good to hear that you are having some successes with your computer. I do not understand the logic used in these machines so I am helpless when trying to figure something out. Simply not how my brain operates…. I know your computer is a late 2008 and mine a 2009 but is there any chance that what you did to restore your spell check will work on mine without me having to disable the 'rich-text'? If so, can you tell me what you did so I can see if my husband can do a more permanent fix on mine too? As it stands now I have to reset every time I come to this forum and am not sure what will happen when I am in other places where I type stuff. Thanks

Well rats, that doesn't help me any!   :-)

Guess I will just have to get on the phone when I have time and give apple a call myself and see what I can come up with.

I am glad to hear yours is up and running.  

Take Care,


I haven't been able to use browser spelllll check in the editing window since the last site upgrade about two years ago.  I use the basic editing window on TFL, Firefox 3.6.x, Windows XP SP3.  I have an up-to-date Java install and I don't block any scripts or cookies from TFL.
