Make Loaves, Not War

Profile picture for user GSnyde

There was much discussion recently about TFL t-shirts and good logos and tag lines and the like (

I like the motto "Make Loaves, Not War".  Here's a couple pictures.  Maybe with some photoshop magic, this could be a t-shirt design.

These are also delicious loaves, Tartine BCB.

I think they'd be good with Peacetrami.

Oh, and here's a crumb shot.



Sorry Glenn, I can't stop seeing a chicken foot. Their a peaceful lot.


Those are beautiful loves and I love the scoring despite what Eric says LOL  but, since he did mention a chicken's foot.....that is all I am seeing now too.....



I'd love to have a TFL t-shirt, but the first picture, with the 2 round loaves, is a little too "breasty" for me.  Also, the symbol somehow makes me think of fighter jets..

Maybe this symbol would work: 

Sue in Tallahassee

I think that picture of the peace sign didn't reproduce.  Here I'm trying again:

Sue in Tallahassee

so they don't look like the Minn. state bird...  the mosquito.  Could work.  

"all we are saying... is give p yeast a chance"     

Profile picture for user shansen10

I like that:  "All we are saying...give yeast a chance."  I also like "Make loaves, not war."  Put 'em both on the t-shirt, under "The Fresh", maybe done in Gothic script, with a beautiful loaf and the peace sign in between.

Thanks for the comments.

Interesting that you see different things in my scoring pattern.  

I do agree that the scoring could use improvement, and the design should include the outer circle.

And, Mini, I love "Give Yeast A Chance"!


Hi Glenn

I think that Mini meant the P to be there and form the word Peace ... and not Give Yeast a chance...

Since eric had mention the chicken legs and Sue the fighter Jet I cannot look at it the same way !

I would like to have a T Shirt with the symbol make loaves no war, with 2 round loaf and the peace symbol better positioned either on the bread or on the shirt. The 2 round loafs don't need to be "Too Breasty" if positioned one above the other with the peace symbol in between. and it can be also on the back side (always better for a message than on the front.) Bee