Schnitzer Country Grain Mill


Hi Fresh Loaf Members

Can any help me with reviews of the Schnitzer Country Grain Mill.

Before I spend hundreds of dollars I would like to know what people think.

Any comments will be helpful.




I have this mill.  When I bought it I knew I didn't want to crank it by hand so I looked at putting a motor on it.  I didn't have enough odds and ends to put the motor on it so I turned it into a pedal powered mill.

The mill is a very good mill and makes great flour.  I wouldn't get the mill if you plan on cranking it by hand it will take you a long time to make flour.  My pedal powered version takes about a third less time and I get a good workout.


Thanks LeadDog

Glad to know it creates good flour.

Two of the pedal power pics on the link you provided do not seem show up. Will try again.

Thanks for your comments

MJ Sourdough

I moved the website and just now noticed that those two pictures are missing.  When I get time I'll fix the page.


Looks great! make flour and stay fit!