Well, what a cute loaf!
Using the recipe from Franko
which builds on others - I thought I'dgive it a go. I'd tried a version with some white flour added - but not this time...
Building the Preferment:
I used the white wheat starter I have, and couldn't measure out a small enough quantity, so ended up with
30g starter (wheat, 100%)
50g durum flour
50g water
This was in the kitchen for around 6 hours I reckon? Bubbly and light at the end
Main Dough:
135g preferment (yes, high, I wanted to use all I had)
135g water
252g durum flour
(after autolyse, 5.6g salt)
Autolyse for around 30mins - I find the durum flour really soaks up the water! A few S&F over the next 3 hours - fairly thorough after adding the salt, and less later. Into the fridge overnight in a plastic container
Today - out of the fridge but still in the container for around 90 mins (driving from Cambridge to London!). Shaped here (roughly) and covered - it didn't rise much, but I was concerned as it had had a long bulk fermentation. About 90mins from shaping into oven
Baking: 250C for first 10 mins under a metal cloche (equals steam) then 10m at 220C, 10m at 200C, 10m at around 140C, then 10m with oven switched off (it is a small loaf!)
A very cute little loaf - I could improve my shaping, as although I did follow instructions, it is not quite right.
However - after about 20m out of the oven (singing for at least 10m) I had to eat - really yummy! One of the few I have felt are really successful - I could easily eat the rest of the loaf now! Sweet taste, lovely golden crust, I'd prefer more of an open crumb but definitely worth repeating...
Very pleased - I will make this again (need to buy more flour) - a cute little lunchtime loaf!
- Salilah's Blog
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Hi Salilah,
I'm pleased you found some inspiration from my post on the Altamura bread to do your own bake of this bread, and that you're enjoying the results. Thank you for including a link to my post in yours, it's greatly appreciated.
It's a nice looking loaf you've made, and I'm sure the first of more to come. I was tempted to try an overnight retard as you've done with this loaf, but I decided it was too far off point, the goal I'd set for myself of trying to make it as authentic as I could. If you haven't tried it toasted yet, definitely give this a try. It's my favourite way to eat it, with either sweet or savory fillings/toppings. French toast was made with it last weekend and was probably the best I've ever had. Durum flour breads seem to have a natural affinity for egg, even more so than many standard wheat flour breads. Delicious!
Best Wishes,
Hi Franko
Good point re the authenticity - I did a rough shaping a la Daniel Leader Altamura - but otherwise I adapted to my usual style of S&F rather than mix / knead, and I like the overnight retard as otherwise I'm trying to shape or bake after dinner, which after a glass of wine (or few) is not a good idea!
I'll definitely do again, and see some of the differences - I will try without the cover, as I think that's what gave mine a shine, which is not authentic <grin>
thanks again for the inspiration!
I can see it has had an overnight retard from all the lovely little blisters on the crust. That and its rich dark colour. I am wondering if the overnight retard, coupled with the high percentage of starter in the final dough, didn't exhaust all the food and leave little for a final rise, thus giving you a tighter crumb. However, I also know from my very limited experience with durum, that it is not possible to achieve as open a crumb as you can with regular wheat flour. The gluten is not good enough. Nevertheless, a very cute little loaf. :)
Thanks Syd! Cute was the one word to describe it I thought!
I think the blisters and dark colour also benefited from the metal "couche" for semi-steaming - as long as my loaves are small enough, I try covering them with a good-sized metal mixing bowl to steam on the granite stone - seems to work better for me than trays of water (though sometimes I have had the loaf stick when it was too big for the cover!)
I'll try I think with reduced starter next time, but keep the retard, and see what happens - it's my second time with durum, and the first was a mix of durum and wheat which tasted very nice but was underproofed a bit (from what I remember)
It's all fun experimenting!!
best wishes
Very nice loaf, Sali.
But I think you might be better omitting the retard rather than reducing the amount of leaven.
Best wishes
OK yes thanks - it would probably be better! I need to improve my timing overall - far too often, I finish the various S&F just around dinner time which isn't good planning
(either that, or give up the glass of wine!)